The Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr questline helps you help the Bozjans overcome Garlean's rule. To do this, you will need a legendary weapon.
The Resistance Weapons are the Shadowbringers' take on a Relic Weapon, an older Final Fantasy XIV standard. Like the Eurekan weapons and the Animas before them, this weapon will be upgradeable in Shadowbringers, ending with a high level weapon by the end of the expansion. Over the next few patches, new quests will be released, each with a few additional steps to increase item level and add stats to the weapon.
A thousand tomato grind starts with one step, and this first step is pretty straightforward.
To start the Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr questline, you must have completed the main storyline quest titled Shadowbringers. You'll also need to have completed the Return to Ivalice questline, which unlocks all three 24-man Alliance raids for Stormblood: the Royal Town of Rabanastre, Ridorana Lighthouse, and Orbonne Monastery.
Long live the Queen
- In Kugane, take Keiten's quest at X: 12,1, Y: 12,3.
- He'll send you to visit Hancock at the Ruby Bazaar.
- Next, visit the Attendant Doman, just east of the House of Fierce Aether in Yanxia.
- Visit Doman Attendant at X: 16.3, Y: 8.5.
- Watch the cutscene, turn in the quest.
Path to the past
- The next quest is right in front of you. Choose Path to Past at X: 16,3, Y: 8,5.
- Teleport to the Doman Enclave and speak to the airship pilot (X: 9, Y: 8.7) for a cutscene.
- Speak with Mikoto at X: 6.3, Y: 6.2.
- The next quest location is the NPC at X: 6.5, Y: 5.8.
- They'll send you to Rhalgr's Reach. Talk to the Ironworks Engineer at X: 11,8 Y: 11,8 for a cutscene.
- Complete the quest.
The Bozja incident
- Pick up the Bozja incident from the Ironworks engineer in the middle of Rhalgr's range.
- Return to the Doman Enclave and speak with the Captain again.
- After a cutscene, you will be teleported to a new area. Speak with the NPC there and prepare for several cutscenes.
Fire in the forge
- Resume Gerolt's quest (X: 6.3, Y: 5.1) in Gangos.
- Go to Kugane and talk to Rowena (X: 11.2, Y: 9.8)
- Go back to Gangos and talk to Gerolt again.
Resistance is (not) futile
- Take this quest from Zlatan (X: 6.1, Y: 4.9) in Gangos.
- Buy 4 Thavnairian Scale Powders from Auriana in Revenant's Toll or Hismena in Idyllshire. Each scale powder costs 250 poetics.
- Return to Zlatan in Gangos and receive your weapon.
Repeat the quest for the weapon of resistance
You can repeat the final quest, Resistance Is (Not) Futile, for each level 80 Combat Class you have. Simply make your way to Zlatan in Gangos with 4 Thavnairian Scales on hand, and you'll get your second - or eleventh - Shadowbringers Relic.