Necromechs are a powerful tool in Warframe. These mechanical monsters can be piloted by players in their Operator form and were introduced to the game with the Heart of Deimos update. They also appear on Deimos as powerful enemies patrolling vaults deep below the surface.
You will encounter the Shattered Wrecks of Necromechs as you explore Cambion Drift, the new open world that was introduced to Deimos. For now, this appears to be the only way to pilot a Necromech yourself, aside from part of the Heart of Deimos quest.
To actually build your own Necromech, you'll need to access the Necraloid Syndicate, and you'll need to have completed The War Within.
Where to find necraloid syndrome

You can find the Necraloid Syndicate through a secret door that will only open when you are in Operator form. You can find this door in the wall between daughter and mother in the Necralisk.

To rank among the Necraloids, you must use Orokin matrices which can be earned by making a special underground bounty for Mother. You can then exchange them for Loid to get Standing. Just like all Unions, you have to rank on different levels to gain access to whatever they are selling, and eventually you will be able to create your own Necramech by purchasing and building all of the required parts.
When you are done building your first Necramech, you will get a Necramech Summon Gear which you can equip with your Gear Wheel which will allow you to summon your Necramech to any of the game's open worlds.
Capabilities of Necramech
Ability 1: Necraweb
Throw a Graviton Fluid Cartridge to create a large quagmire that will significantly slow enemies that pass through it. Alternatively, the cartridge can be fired into the air to create a fiery conflagration.
Ability 2: Storm Veil
Swathe the Necramech in a strong electric field that dramatically improves survivability in close combat. Enemies that strike the shroud will suffer for their impudence.
Capacity 3: Gravemines
Launch a model of loaded mines all around you. Each mine explodes in a violent explosion when hit, damaging enemies within a three-yard radius.
Ability 4: Guard Mode
Adopt a stationary position to deploy maximum firepower and gain structural integrity for a period of time.
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