Death Stranding has just received an excellent PC port, which allows a whole new audience to experience the latest Hideo Kojima game. The title, which originated from the PS4, unlocks higher frame rates and resolutions than the original version, offering a Half-Life and Portal crossover in addition to a whole new level of difficulty, which makes it very difficult.
While hailed as the definitive edition of an instant classic, with a fairly low set of system requirements, the game has few issues that can be easily addressed by checking out the appropriate options and making a few tweaks.
One particular issue is the blurry textures, which you can see during the crossing as you walk through the desolate environment between grass and rocks in these Icelandic-inspired fields.
If you've noticed the same thing as we did, we've got good news for you: Fixing the blurry textures issue is extremely easy, and it just requires you to make a small change in your PC settings.
Fixed blurry textures on Death Stranding PC - Nvidia GPU
Whether you're playing on Nvidia GPU or AMD GPU, it's always quick and easy to make changes to get rid of the blurry textures issue.
Let's check Nvidia first.
All you need to do is right click on your desktop and select Nvidia Control Panel. Once you've done that, go to 3D Settings and then click on Manage 3D Settings.
On the right side, go to the Program Settings tab and choose Death Stranding. If you can't find it, don't worry: just use the Add button and add it yourself from the list.
Below is anisotropic filtering: change this option to 16x, then click Apply to save your fix. That's all!
Fixed blurry textures on PC Death Stranding - AMD GPU
The fix is basically the same on AMD graphics cards, so let's check it out.
Go to the AMD Radeon Settings app. Click Games, then click Add. From there you can go to the Death Failure installation folder and select ds.exe.
Next, click on the game icon in the Radeon Settings window, then choose the anisotropic filtering mode and override the app settings.
Under the anisotropic filtering level, select 16x, and that's it: this way you've fixed those blurry textures on your game.