Virtual reality gaming has been a revolutionary experience that gamers have enjoyed for many years. However, whether you're playing on an Oculus Go, PlayStation VR, or HTC Vive, almost half of people who have gamed or currently play VR will experience some type of motion sickness. This is especially true for new players, as their initial exposure to VR ended in nausea, dizziness, or general illness. Essentially, the brain is confused when playing VR, because of the disconnect between movement that is seen visually and what is actually happening with your body.
Some of the more extreme VR titles, such as Pavlov, Onward, or Dirt Rally, for example, can all be a very intense gaming experience, which can negatively impact how you feel. This guide will provide you with advice on combating motion sickness in virtual reality so that you can enjoy the experience without ending up in bed with the illness, off duty.
Moderately increase your exposure time in virtual reality
First, play virtual reality in small sessions and constantly take intermittent breaks. Your first VR experience should only last 10-15 minutes - The idea here is to slowly switch to VR, bit by bit, so you can train your mind and body to feel it.
Don't try to be a virtual reality hero
If you start to feel bad in any way, shape, or form, don't force the pain. Remove the headphones and immediately stop playing. Keeping playing will only make things worse. It is essential that you listen to your body and go to lie down or take a walk. Also, don't start playing VR if you don't feel well to begin with.
Adjust the helmet accordingly
Headsets that are not fitted correctly can cause motion sickness. The reason is that the VR image is probably misaligned with an ill-fitting headset, so in turn, your brain has to work harder to focus. Fit your helmet by following the health and safety guidelines on the helmet instructions.
Consult the "comfort rating" of the game
Typically, comfort ratings can be found on the in-game store page for each game. Ratings will fall into one of three categories: comfortable, moderate, and intense. Check out game reviews or forums about the game, if comfort levels aren't clearly defined. For newer VR gamers, start with games that are considered comfortable. This basically means that in the game you won't be moving around too much and general movement is limited. For novices, it is strongly recommended to read virtual reality titles considered "comfortable".
Eat or drink Giner products
Many gamers claim that ginger helps them overcome or combat the effects of motion sickness in virtual reality. Giner is considered a natural super food, with various health benefits. Get yourself some Ginger-Ale before your VR session and give it a try.