Facebook has a feature that allows you to receive public updates who writes a person even if she is not our friend. By activating this function it is therefore possible to follow the news that a person writes, with public visibility, without the need for friendship.
Of course, all updates that are not public, that is, those that are visible only to friends, friends of friends, will remain invisible to those who have signed up. You can only follow (receive updates) who has activated the function to be followed.
Whoever has activated the possibility to be followed will have a button "Follow”Next to the“ Add to friends ”button in the Diary.You can choose whether to receive all updates or just a few, both by level of importance and by type (status updates, photos and videos, games, events), by clicking on the "Follow already"(Which will take the place of the" Follow "button once the reception of updates from that person has been activated) and clicking on"Settings".
Always clicking on "Follow already" you can select to receive notifications when whoever you are following publishes some updates, or insert it in a list of interest or delete it from the people you follow.
activate the "Follow" button for your profile, in order to allow others to read your public updates, just go to the settings page of your facebook account and go to the Public Posts section and change the entry "Who can follow me" to "Everyone".
In the past it was possible, even this method, to go to this page: https://www.facebook.com/about/followand click on the button "Activate the ability to follow you“, Although, for some people, this page does not thesplay the button.
At this point, other users will be able to make a request to receive yours updates set with public visibility.
In the section in the Followers section of your settings you can set whether or not to allow write comments to public updates and whether to receive one notifies whenever someone (anyone, friends of friends, just friends) requests to receive their public updates.
On your Diary it will be possible to view "Who you follow"(The people for which updates are received) and the "Followers"(People who have requested that their updates be sent), the same applies to other users who have activated the"Follow".
How to enable the Facebook Follow button