This article serves as a time-accurate Engram decryption guide as it enters Season 10, The Season of the Worthy.
Types of engrams requiring manual decryption
- Encrypted Engrams: These blue engrams will decode into rare weapons or armor. While most are automatically decrypted upon collection, some will need to be transferred to a cryptarch.
- Encrypted (or Rare) Engrams will decrypt with base attack and defense levels 5-7 points lower than a player's base power level.
- Main engrams: These engrams are purple with a golden core and will decipher into powerful weapons or armor. To decode a Prime Engram, a cryptarch will be needed.
- Because Prime Engrams contain high powered gear, they are usually not found at random. Instead, they're usually awarded at the end of hard activities.
- Brilliant Engrams: The appearance and name of these engrams vary from season to season (such as Nostalgic Engrams and Fond Memories Engrams, to name a few). Shiny Engrams contain cosmetic Eververse loot items such as shaders, ships, sparrows, adornments, and emotes.
- Shiny Engrams can also contain Shiny Dust, which can be used to purchase cosmetic items in the Eververse store.
How to decrypt engrams
- Premier engrammes et Encrypted Engrams which do not decrypt upon collection, players will need to visit one of the two cryptarchs.
- Master Rahool is the cryptarch located in the tower.
- Tyra karn is the cryptarch that is found on the farm in the European Dead Zone (EDZ).
- Brilliant Engrams must be decoded not by a cryptarch, but by Tess everis, the salesman of the Eververse store in the Tower.
- Any piece of armor contained in a shining engram will have a defense value of 10.
- With Season of the Update worthy, The publisher, Bungie, announced that players can no longer purchase Bright Engrams at the Eververse Store with cash. However, Bright Engrams will still be available in Season 10 for all players who upgrade the Season Pass free track.