The main premise behind Mortal Shell is that you are a soul that inhabit the body of a fallen warrior. Each of the shells in the game have different stats for durability, stamina, and resolution meaning you can play the game closer to how you want to.
It also means that certain situations require a particular style of play. You can learn to play through the whole game as a rogue character Tiel, who has incredible stamina, but you'll come down to less than three strikes from some of the more powerful monsters, while Eredrím can take more hits but will require more patience than his endurance. is reduced.
Unfortunately, changing the shell isn't as easy as going through the menu and choosing the one you want. In order to change the shell, two options are available to you.
If you want to change a dungeon's shells, you can do so from within Fallgrim Tower where each of your unlocked and currently unused shells will rest. Just go to the shell you want to take control of and hit the button prompt.

When it comes to adventures, there's always an option to be able to change shells, but you'll need specific items to do so. Throughout the game you will find effigies of the four shells which, when used, will allow you to instantly occupy the shell you want, similar to the items that will allow you to change weapons at will.
However, unlike the item to change your current gear which allows unlimited uses, effigies are consumables and even after acquiring familiarity you will only be able to change hulls if you have the effigy of the hull you are looking for. want to take control. Otherwise, you will have to change your shell while in Fallgrim Tower.