Even after just a few hours of its release, it was made very clear that Ghost of Tsushima's combat controls are unconventional and straightforward. It's no small feat, but some players would prefer this style to be optional. For example, there is no real lock button and players are never able to tell where enemy arrows are coming from. However, Ghost of Tsushima offers a number of options so that you can fine-tune the gameplay to your liking. Although most of them hide in the pause menu.
Now there are two different sets of game modifying settings here. In the options menu, you will see the gameplay settings, as well as one for accessibility. You've probably browsed the gameplay tab before, but only to find that it focuses primarily on difficulty and camera settings. However, the accessibility tab offers an array of choices that will make the game more user-friendly, in terms of in-game support.
In-game changes available in the accessibility tab
- Simplified controls: Boss fights with quick button presses will now only take one click, if enabled. It's not a complete game changer, but it helps those with tender controllers.
- Toggle button on hold: For some, holding a triangle may seem unnatural during a confrontation. Thus, this option will allow you to take your first strike with just one press. It should be noted, however, that you will still need to hold the button for heavy attacks, outside of dead ends.
- Aiming aid: Perhaps the most convenient, you will no longer have to use the analog stick to lock targets. On the contrary, you now save time by simply standing in front of your chosen target. As the game pays homage to traditional Japanese combat, usually only one enemy will attack you at a time. So, this tool will not make you attack someone other than the biggest threat in front of you.
- Projectile indicator: By activating it, you will now have an icon above all archers, indicating when they are about to release an arrow. For those playing on Hard, this turns out to be a wise selection, as a single arrow depletes most of Jin's health.
- Subtitle context: It's not exactly a game setting, but it becomes difficult to see the subtitles (if you have them) when you are in direct sunlight. So you might not want to miss a lot of the dialogue with this.
Like most games, you can turn these features on or off at any time. So, don't be afraid to give them a whirl. We will say that the locking component plays a major role in the game, so we can also help you get a handle on its default setting, if you want to brave it.