Buying property in BitLife costs quite a bit of money. It's not an easy task, but it helps to have a full-time job, but for those who don't, you'll have to start saving early if you want to buy a home without the luxury of a gig in full time support you. You can own multiple properties, so if you buy one early on, you can choose to sell it after a certain number of years, which should earn you some money. If you take care of the house, you can usually make more money selling it than when you first bought it.
You must be at least 18 years old to buy a home. You have to wait for this to happen before you can start looking at all the properties available on the market. A great way to prepare for a home purchase early is to start doing part-time jobs during high school and freelance gigs. Among the independent concerts available, tutoring generally has the highest acceptance rate, with the best price. You can do this for $ 15 an hour, which is usually $ 400 to $ 500, over and over again. You want to do as much freelance gigs as possible on a continuous basis and have a part-time job.
By the age of 18, if you have enough money, you should have the option of applying for a loan to buy a house or paying it off in cash. For those who constantly spam the tutoring option at a freelance gig, most of you probably won't be able to afford the house with cash, and you need to apply for a loan. You want to apply for a loan keeping the monthly expenses of the house and the mortgage in mind when you accept it.
You want to choose a house in good condition. The higher the condition, the more likely you are not to have to maintain it too much and waste even more money along the way. However, if you want to go a cheaper route, you can choose to buy lower quality homes for a better price, but you can expect to solve several problems and fix the ones that use up money and time. This is when you want to renovate it.
A great way to increase the value of your home is to renovate it. When you try to renovate the home, you can increase the value, but you usually do so at the direct cost of your current income. The more you invest in it, the more you can increase the current value of the home. For those who buy a house in poor condition, this is a great way to get your money back.
After a few years of sitting on the house, you should see how much it is worth in the market to sell it. But you won't always be able to sell it. Some years people buy houses left and right, and other times you won't be able to. You want to keep in mind how much you paid for it and how much you will get for it. Usually, it's a good investment to sell it after it earns about $ 100 more than when you first got it.