Hollywood will devour you if you let it, and it's no different in BitLife. It takes a lot of hard work. Winning this role is pretty tricky, and it helps to have a little luck.
A beautiful character
Before you attempt to apply for an acting role and look to do it big, you want to focus on your character's appearance stats. It's important to keep this stat as high as possible throughout your character's life to give the greatest advantage in landing a role. You can work on it from an early age by going for walks and taking care of yourself. When you're old enough to hit the gym, try to get there at least once a year for a workout, then go for a walk, preferably for an hour at a normal or brisk pace.
Once your character turns 18, they can change their diet, and you can choose a healthier lifestyle like following a Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan, or keto diet. These cost a certain amount of money for you to maintain each month.
Get the acting job
The career of a movie star doesn't require you to graduate from college. You can start working on it immediately after leaving high school. While looking for work after high school, try to find a career in movie studios, even if that's not what you'd like to do. The entry-level career of a movie star is the role of a voice actor, so you want to try and apply immediately. It's random, so it's not something you can grab or have right away whenever you want. Because it's hit and miss, becoming a famous movie star can be hard to maintain, but once you have the voice acting role, you have to work hard at it every year. You also want to keep a high number of subscribers on your social media pages to increase your brand awareness.
Social media accounts are a good way to build your brand awareness before you step into the acting role. You should be able to create them when you enter high school, and you can create a variety of messages to keep them entertained. Try to avoid toxic behavior by stalking or insulting people. This increases the likelihood that your account will be suspended, preventing you from posting messages to your subscribers.
It will be a constant stream of you trying to find the best way to land the movie studio role as an actor, and trying to keep your looks high. If you can, avoid having a character that naturally has a low appearance and you need to have surgery. Doing any form of plastic surgery runs the risk of your character coming out even worse than before, and it wastes a lot of money. You also want to avoid getting high on drugs or starting rumors about your co-stars and coworkers while trying to win that role. The less of a problem you pose for everyone at work, the faster you can receive promotions to get to the big moments.