Marvel's Avengers has plenty of adrenaline rush moments, with the end of the campaign upping things up even more with some really intense combat. While the game mostly revolves around the story of the ally-turn-enemy campaign, the final boss fight against Tarleton aka MODOK still manages to deliver a pretty exhilarating experience.
The battle against MODOK takes place in several phases and to make the encounter all the more memorable, players can play as each hero for the duration of the fight. In the first phase, players play as Iron Man and during that the only goal should be to target Thrusters under MODOK. Keep in mind that you need to focus on the two thrusters behind the main one. He will use his shield every now and then to guard against attacks, so patience is key.
Related: How To Destroy The Walls As Iron Man In Marvel's Avengers
In the second phase you take control of Captain America and this time you have to mainly focus on the main thruster under MODOK. Once this is removed you need to target the generator behind it.
In the third phase, you take control of Thor. It is impossible to touch any keys on MODOK during this phase because it is completely protected. To get through this phase, you must first build your Ultimate Heroic by killing enemies around you and summoning the power of Bifrost on MODOK.
In the fourth phase, you play as Black Widow and it's pretty straightforward. Just maintain the distance and use your pistols to deplete his health. In the second half of this phase, there is a deadly wave attack that can turn out to be quite deadly. Be sure to time your jumps well to avoid damage.
The endgame is against the gigantic Kree with MODOK inside, and it's a fast-paced event. You just need to press the highlighted buttons on the screen and Kree and MODOK will be shut down in no time.