The El Search Party Collection feature is the latest edition of Elsword which will reward players for using multiple characters. If you have a favorite character or are focused on playing one over the other, this is a good reason to branch out. The new feature will give players the chance to earn buffs from the 40 unique working paths available in the game. Characters must meet certain criteria and a short quest must be completed before players can access these buffs. Here's how to access the collection.
Get your first job
To access the quest necessary for the research team, you must have a character where you have already chosen your first job and completed the first job quest. Each character has the option of choosing a job once they reach level 15. Getting to level 15 is pretty easy, keep fighting and completing quests and you'll be there in no time. Each character also has a unique first job quest that will need to be completed. Once you've picked a job for a character, you can move on to the cranky part of accessing the collection.
Reach level 99
A character must be at level 99 before Camilla gives you the quest to access the collection. For new players this can seem like an eternity. There are many ways to grind EXP on Elsword, but the best way is to farm Field Bosses for Ariel.
Start by cultivating Field Heads in Hunting Fields. Bosses in the field lose EXP but what you really want are the Evil Soul Orbs they drop. Once you have three Evil Soul Orbs, take them to the nearest village, other than Ruben, and talk to Ariel.
Ariel is a very useful NPC for maximizing EXP gains. You can exchange items, including Evil Soul Orbs dropped by Field Leaders, for XP Boost Medals. These medals increase the amount of experience you gain from all