According to many, they are bitter rivals trying to share the instant messaging "pie". A reality so evident that, when WhatsApp is down, the number of Telegram users suddenly spikes upwards. Looking at it from another point of view, however, we can say that WhatsApp and Telegram couldn't be more different.
For some time, in fact, the paths of the two platforms have moved away: on the one hand the team of WhatsApp developers has perfected the product becoming the reference point in the field of instant messaging; on the other Telegram it has both strengthened its communication tools and integrated functionalities becoming a "holistic" platform more like the Chinese WeChat. A sort of hybrid between a browser and an "alternative" operating platform from which the most loyal users find it increasingly difficult to break away.
Several tools or functions have accelerated this transition of Telegram towards a broader horizon. There are, for example, i interface which have increasingly taken on the forms and functioning of applications. Or i groups which, despite the name, have little to do with those we are used to on WhatsApp.
How Telegram groups work
From update to update, Telegram developers have increasingly improved the tools available to users. At present, the platform created by Pavel Durov allows you to choose between groups, supergroup e list. The former are the most similar to those also present on WhatsApp; the latter are an enlarged version (they can contain up to 100 users) of the former and have allowed Telegram to establish itself as a platform dedicated to professionals and office colleagues; the third, on the other hand, are "one-way" communication channels.
The functioning of the groups, net of the different functions and tools they make available, is rather elementary e it does not differ too much from that of a "normal" chat between two users. In groups and supergroups all users can chat with each other, exchanging files and images (with a limit of 1,5 gigabytes in size), add Telegram bots; enable smart notifications and much more.
Le List Telegram, on the other hand, have no terms of comparison within other messaging platforms. Essentially, it is a normal group with a single "limitation": messages can only be sent by whoever created the list or by whoever administers it, while "normal" users can only receive.
How Telegram groups work