Thanks to a recent AMA with Larian that took place on Reddit, we now have some details on the length and length of Baldur's Gate 3 rests. If you haven't paid attention, Baldur's Gate 3 is looking to replicate very closely. the rules you will know and love Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, but some changes will need to be made to convert it to a video game.
Rest is how a party will regain health, spell slots, and ability use between fights. Traditionally, Dungeons and Dragons have long and short rests that will allow the party to recover different amounts of each missing health and spells. A short rest will last about an hour, allowing characters to spend dice to regain health. A long rest lasts around eight hours and allows players to regain lost hit points and dice, as well as reclaim slots used for spells and abilities.
The way things will work in Baldur's Gate is that in order to take a long rest, parties will have to camp overnight, and anything that will normally be released during a 5E long rest will be returned. Characters will heal, their spells will recharge, and they will be ready for another day of battle and exploration.
The time between fights will be treated as short breaks, they won't be things you specifically need to make time for. This will be very interesting for the Warlock class, who traditionally reclaim all of their spell slots after a short rest, and Larian has confirmed that they will recover all of their slots between combat encounters in Baldur's Gate 3.
So while we need to get our hands on the game to find out exactly how this will all play out, that's all we know about long and short rests. Baldur's Gate 3.