Prior to Ubisoft Hyper Scape's first gameplay showcase, most game makers believed there were enough quality battle royales to flood the market. However, the game suddenly seems to be pulling the bottom rug from the likes of Fortnite, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Apex Legends. The reason: its creativity, in terms of gameplay and setting, is vastly different from everything else. So much so, don't be shocked if the game steals bits and pieces from all of the other fan bases.
The first element that impressed players was the meta-idea of placing ScapeSe in one digital world in another. For this reason, there is no longer a gas bubble closing in on Battle Royale players. Instead, the game replaces it with a fictitious glitch, which crumbles and wipes out cities around the world. If caught in withering sectors, players will deal immense damage and risk being knocked out if they don't escape fast enough. Note, the entire map is a metropolis, so don't expect gaping differences from region to region.
Due to this digital theme, Hyper Scape is brave enough to allow “hacks”, but don't worry, it's nothing that will form an unfair advantage. Rather, they are a kind of power-up for your weapons and your character. For example, one of those hacks is your gun that can be upgraded by finding duplicates of what you're already carrying. This can increase your ammo capacity or even increase weapon damage. Another type of hack is in the vein of special abilities. They take the form of a glowing field box, which you can equip to become a defensive or offensive juggernaut, allowing things like invisibility or a digital brick wall in front of you.
The main objective is partly the same as that of the others. Yes, as usual you can be the last survivor, or you can discover the rare hidden crown, placed in an unknown part of the world, to hold it long enough to achieve victory. Movement will be the key when testing your ability to hold the crown. To benefit, unlike other titles, yellow-lit spots are distributed along the terrain, which will catapult you onto buildings, for those who want to run along rooftops to escape enemies.
To participate in all of these contrasting features, Hyper Scape is currently available for "technical testing", via Uplay, for PC gamers, and it is said to be available to everyone in the coming weeks.