In addition to a story mode with a lot of dark style from Yoko Taro, SINoALICE has an extensive multiplayer component linked to its guild system. Once you're in a guild, you can participate in 15, 15 Colosseum PvP battles, guild missions, and other cooperative events.
How to join a guild
You can only join a guild once you have completed Chapter 2: Verse 10. Once you have done this for any character, you will be able to access the guild menu by pressing the guild bar. which is at the top of your screen when you are in one of them. (many) menus. From there, you will be able to create a guild, search for guilds, and see all the guilds that are openly recruiting.
Each guild can have a maximum of 15 players at a time. Some recruiting guilds will automatically accept any application as long as they have an opening, but others will ask you to wait for the guild master's approval. There are several things to consider when deciding which guild is right for you.
Choose a guild
One of the most important factors to consider when choosing or applying for a guild is that guild's Colosseum timeslot. Each guild will have a time slot where they can participate in the Colosseum PVP battles. If a guild's timeslot isn't a time when you're generally available, you won't want to join that one - and they won't want you.
The guild will also often advertise to recruit players with a minimum level and specific job types, so it's worth looking for a guild that lacks what you can bring to the table, however you choose. have specialized your character.
Once you are in a guild, you can participate in Colosseum battles with other members, as well as participate in cooperative events and missions. Beyond the fun of playing SINoALICE with friends, guilds receive many bonuses for playing together, such as additional Twilight Crystals and Gold.
Leaving a guild
If a guild doesn't work for you, you can easily leave a guild. To do this, simply go to your guild members list and tap on your name. This will give you the option to leave the guild. You can join another guild immediately, but you will have to wait until the next day to participate in all Colosseum battles.