Fleet Battles are the most intense fights in Star Wars: Squadrons. These multi-stage tug of war battles are the biggest tests for the best pilots in the game. If you think this is you, you'll need to find out a bit more about them before participating in one.
At the start of each fleet battle, you are tasked with engaging with enemy Starfighters in aerial combat sequences. You should be used to these matches from the Dogfight matches you played previously. If you are victorious in this skirmish, your morale gauge will improve.
Morale is the currency used by Fleet Battles to give each side the advantage. You can increase your morale bar by defeating enemy players, destroying AI Starfighters, eliminating enemy Corvettes or Raiders, and destroying enemy Frigates or Cruisers. Be aware that morale can switch both ways, even if you win the first stage of a fleet battle, the enemy can bring you back to square one if theirs improves.
If you gain enough morale through air combat, you can move on and start attacking your enemy's capital ships. To destroy them you have to knock down their shields and damage their hulls. Use ion cannons to remove shields from Corvettes, Raiders, Cruisers and Nebulon B ships, then use Starfighter bombers to damage and destroy them.
The last step instructs you to destroy the opponent's flagship. The MC75s and Star Destroyers have regenerating shields, numerous anti-aircraft turrets, and subsystems that keep it in line. The assaults on these spaceships are multi-faceted, and working together as a team is the only way to eliminate them. Pair Starfighter classes - such as interceptors and bombers - to take out turrets and shields in a single attack, then fighters with support class ships to damage their hulls while keeping your fighters' shields level. .
You will be victorious if you destroy the enemy's flagship. Again, be sure to keep your morale meter high enough to take the next step. If your opponent's morale rises higher than yours, they can attack your capital ships and your flagship. If this happens, you will need to defend them until your morale is improved enough that you can re-engage your opponent's cruisers.