Following Destiny 2 With the Beyond Light expansion, players can expect to see older content items locked from the main game. Bungie calls him enter the Destiny 2 Content Chest. The Content Vault is where all of Destiny's older and less visited pieces of content will help minimize the download size of console games, to prevent it from taking up massive portions of hard drive space. At the same time, it's a way for Bungie to update new content in the game.
The Destiny 2 Content Vault arrives on September 22 when Beyond Light comes out and becomes available to everyone. The first pieces of Destiny 2 content directed to the vault, including Io, Titan, Mercury, Mars, and Leviathan, will be removed. You will no longer be able to access these areas after the Beyond Light expansion. You will be able to explore the Moon, the Tangled Shore, the Dreaming City, the European Dead Zone, Nessus, the new planet Europa, and the return location of the Cosmodrome from Destiny 1.
What the Content Vault means for players is that Bungie won't try to start over for a while, which would mean creating a Destiny 3. Instead, it wants to remove old content that players have. do not play so much to introduce new areas. It also offers the chance for upgraded and remodeled locations to come into play, such as the next area of the Cosmodrome and the return of the Vault of Glass raid. Destiny 2 players will have less content to feel overwhelmed as they play the game and focus on more important things, but give a more varied form a chance.
Rotations in and out of the Content Vault will likely take place with each new season. Every few months, Bungie may introduce a brand new location in the game or remove an old one that players don't visit as much. At the same time, rather than creating an entirely new area, he can unleash something from Destiny1 and bring it into Destiny 2 with new systems and new adventures for players to revisit.
There is a lot of promising potential with the Destiny 2 Content Vault, as players may not always return to older worlds. If anything, it helps gamers who have limited hard drive space on their console or PC and frees up some of the Destiny 2 space initially taken up.