How do I create a Skype account?

How do I create a Skype account?

Now that you have downloaded skype on your computer or smartphone/tablet, it's time to create an account. Don't panic, there is nothing more difficult to do than for any other service.

And that's especially true if you already have a Microsoft account, since you can use it directly to sign into Skype if you want.

How do I create a Skype account?

1. Launch Skype on your computer or mobile device, the first screen should look something like below. If you wish to use a possible Microsoft account, simply select it and enter the password. Otherwise, click on “Use another account”.

How do I create a Skype account?

2. If you already have another account, enter your email address, associated phone number or Skype name. Otherwise, click below on "Create one!" ". 

How do I create a Skype account?

3. Enter either a phone number or an email address.

How do I create a Skype account?

4. Create a password.

How do I create a Skype account?

5. Enter a first and last name.

How do I create a Skype account?

6. Fill in a country/region and a date of birth.

How do I create a Skype account?

7. Confirm your email address by entering the 4-digit security code that has just been sent to your mailbox and click on "Next" at the bottom.

How do I create a Skype account?

8. All that remains is to solve a small puzzle to prove to Skype that you are not a robot and voila, you are connected with your new account which only remains to be configured.

How do I create a Skype account?

Find other tutorials to manage and secure your Skype account:

  • All Skype tutorials
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  • How do I create a Skype account?
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