For those who want to progress Get out of Gungeon with increased firepower, you need to focus on improving your combo total. The combo, located at the top right of your screen, determines the strength of the random gun your character wields and what they transform as it constantly changes as you play. Monitoring your combo level is essential.
To prevent your combo from falling, you have to dodge the bullets. When a bullet hits you, your score immediately drops back to one, reducing the firepower your character can potentially exert during play. So dodging left, right, up and down is important to master. . You don't want to stay too long in one place with balls all over the place. It also means that you want to reserve your pristine ability, the one that allows you to push all bullets away from you, for boss fights. A boss battle has the highest probability of having land hit, but those fights are also a good thing.
For those who wish to increase their score during their Get Out of the Gungeon run, this involves hitting enemies on as many enemies as possible on the screen. As you move dodging left and right to keep the score from dropping, you need to increase that score by hitting it with the gun you have equipped. Your score doesn't just increase when you pick up. Your combo score increases every time you hit an opponent, which makes boss fights a great way to consistently increase your combo, given that you can dodge bullets.
There are a lot of random chances when it comes to receiving a gun during your Get Out of the Gungeon run. But the higher your combo score when your weapon changes, the more powerful it will be, allowing you to level it up even more and take on tough opponents.