If you need help breaking the safe, we have the solution and an explanation for the puzzle below. You can solve it the hard way or you can complete the “Means, Motivation and Opportunity” mission story to automatically acquire the case file. By solving the murder mystery, Alexa will unlock the safe for you. But we can't always complete this mission by doing this - if you're confused by this weird vault, here's how to unlock it.
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How to unlock the safe and get the folder | Dartmoor Objective Guide
To complete your second objective in Dartmoor, Agent 47 must unlock the safe in Alexa Carlisle's office and obtain the file. The office is on the top floor of the map - and the safe is hidden behind his desk.
To access the case file safe, press the button on his chair. Interact with the safe, to use the 4-digit keypad. There is a clue above the safe with four tiles.
- Safe combination: 1 - 9 - 7 - 5
To get the safe combination, use your camera to take a close look, the small clock, the telescope (upper floor), the fireplace and the moose head. Next to each of these items is a tile with a number on it. Your camera is the easiest way to spot every number.
Enter the code in the safe and you will get the Dossier. All you have to do is manage Alexa.
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