Basically, it's pretty tricky. Running a SASO race takes preparation, and for the first mission to Dubai, you'll need to set up some things first. As noted in the full guide below, you'll need to unlock a ladder of shortcuts - these are permanent shortcuts that you can unlock in levels. Once a shortcut is opened, it stays open forever. You'll also need to get hold of a deadly poison to make your life easier.
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Dubai: on top of the world | Silent Assassin, costume guide only
Before trying this Silent Assassin, costume only run, unlock Helipad shortcut with a crowbar - you will find it through the door on the left into the courtyard of the penthouse.
- Items Required - Planning Phase:
- Silent gun
- Deadly poison (Unlocked at Berlin Mastery Level 10)

Objective: Marcus Stuyvesant
Start by running towards the Art gallery level 2 and find the “Sun” exhibition. Stand near the "Sun" light and take cover. Wait for Marcus to enter the gallery - throw a coin to Marcus' left before standing under the hanging chandelier. This will push the guard away, giving you a moment to pull the string and drop the chandelier on the target's head.
You have to move quickly and hide to the right of the art installation near the "Sun" - you will have a very small window to shoot the chandelier and kill the target without anyone seeing it. You only get one hit, so aim carefully.

Objective: Carl Ingram
To access Carl Ingram in the penthouse, go to the art gallery and enter through the door to the right of the "Sun" exhibit. In the back hallway, go left and climb the ladder. Collect the pied de biche here and then go up to level 3 through the interior window. Then exit towards the héliport.
From the helipad, use the Helipad shortcut to reach the Ventilation zone. Beware of the NPC and watch Carl Ingram to visit the study - the door is right next to the ventilation area. When Carl Ingram is away you can sneak up and poison the drink Étude. Bring a deadly poison and you don't need to knock out guards or NPCs.
- NOTE: If not, wait and use a coin / crowbar to push the guard away at the door - you will have to open the door or they won't hear. Knock it out and hide the body, then finally attract Carl Ingram. Easy!
From the ventilation area, rush to the exit on the opposite side of the Penthouse courtyard to complete the level. After dropping the poison, you can just go straight to the exit, wait for the notification, and leave. Enjoy your first Suit Only reward, Silent Assassin.
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