It's the worst of both worlds. You cannot kill any guards and you cannot exchange uniforms. Instead, you'll have to settle for single-use distractions, breakable tools, and a few tricky paths through the very many wagons. The mission says you are allowed to kill Agents of Providence, but it will instantly fail your silent assassin test. If you get stuck and need a little help getting through the level, we have detailed step by step instructions.
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It's the final level of the game, and it's much more linear. For this reason, our guide explains in more detail how to reach the end without changing disguise. You can't bring any items to this level, and you don't need to unlock shortcuts.

After waking up, submit scientist and sneak up on the next two. Use the code 1-9-7-9 on the keyboard and take the Rusty crowbar to escape the lab. Get on the edge and go forward, jump on the roof of the train and descend on the area with a Providence guard on patrol.
Hide and knock out the guard of Providence in the wagon you just walked on. Go inside and jump to the back of the room to get another one Rusty crowbar. Use it on the crate closer to the exit door to get a Fuse cell.

Enter the next car in front of you. Get the Valve handle at the back of the wagon and use it to open the ceiling grilles. Go up and cross the roofs, go down to another plateau. Take it Brick before climbing the ladder onto the gas tank.
Remove the gas tank and collect the Rusty screwdriver before entering inside. Use the window to the left of the locked door to go through. There is also a Old rusty nail in the interior car. In the room with three guards, exit through the left window and walk along the outer ledge to get around them.

Reach the Passenger car, wait for the patrol guard to turn and use the Rusty screwdriver on the locked door. Exit through the window and walk along the outside to reach the front of the Passenger car.
Ahead you will enter a train car with a craft station. Here you can create the Silencer house Pale HWK21 pistol if you picked up a pistol from one of the overpowered guards on the way.

The next seat car has three Providence guards. If you unlocked the shortcut door, grab the two guns inside. Leave one on the ground for the patrolling guard to pick it up - it will leave the room. While he's away, throw a brick to distract one of the two guards. Throw a can at the remaining guard and submit the second. When the room is clear, rush to the next car and submit the patrolling guard on his return.
- NOTE: Do not miss the Passenger car key on the small table to the right of the exit window.
Use Passenger car key to unlock the door in the next Passenger car. When you are ready turn off the fuse box in this little room. Knock out the investigating guard and hide him in the cupboard.

Billiard car, to fire you Silent gun on the wall under the window you can go out. This will distract the guard leaning against the right wall - drop a weapon (picked up from a downed guard) behind the wall for him to see. He will leave the room to put down the weapon, leaving only one guard behind. Knock out the last guard with a thrown brick or distract him and subdue him. Make sure to hide the body!
Continue in the Bar car. Go behind the counter and exit through the rear right window. You will pass two more guards and reach another Passenger car. Use the right window at start from the car to reach a passenger cabin with a sleep guard. Take it Rusty Nail, then exit through the door and jump out the window. If you are quick, you will succeed without raising an alarm.

Forward you will reach a Armory car. Use the outer ladder to reach the roof, then descend to the left side. Go back up to the roof and you will reach a Flatbed car. Climb over the container and you'll fall to find a guard near a Fuse box. Collect the Fuse cell and Rusty screwdriver.
Sneak past the guard and climb the ladder through the next car. The flatbed car in front of you is packed with soldiers - wait for the patrolling guard to turn away, then use the Fuse box on the fuse box to knock out everyone in the area.

Run and hide in the Storage car - you can enter a container to wait for the research phase. Submit the commander in this car, hide the body, then proceed to the final Flatbed car filled with mercenaries. If you have a second fuse cell, use it here. If you don't, recover a rusty crowbar and use it on the wall metal box to get one. Use the fuse box to flash all the guards here and pass!
Onward you will reach the Executive Suite Car. The guards here wear costumes. Knock out the guard down the hall with a brick, can or hammer and hide the body in the bathroom.

Server car, puncture the water cooler with a Screwdriver. You will get the guard's attention - while he is cleaning the water, switch to the Office car. Hurry from the worker through the door and stay low to avoid being spotted. The last two workers near the exit door pose a problem - throw a hammer at the first to knock him out, then distract and subdue the second worker. The small partition between the offices is enough to block their view of each other.
Finally, we finally got to Arthur Edwards Car. Use the Emergency lever to detach the rest of the train. Now you don't have to worry about body discovery! Kill Arthur Edwards, hit the emergency brake and you will be done with this mission.
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