What is the Arena of Hearthstone
In this mode players will be able to create a single use deck with totally random cards. Once spent 150 gold we will have access to the hero selection which will be limited to only 3 on 9 randomly chosen. Once chosen the class will appear, always in groups of 3, the cards that will make up our deck, of these 3 we can choose one and repeat the process until you reach 30.
Once the deck is finished we will enter the arena, our goal will be to win as many games as possible However, if you are defeated three times the arena will close and the prizes will be calculated based on the number of our victories. Rewards may include: gold, arcane dust, cards or sachets.
Which classes to choose?
Each class has its strengths in the Arena, based on their hero power and class cards. Of course, each class can reach 12 victories if used with intelligence and the right strategy, but we can report below a small ranking of the most "performing" classes according to the current "Meta Tier", i.e. those classes that are more incisive based on players' picks and with the highest percentage of winnings according to statistics. (more in depth between two paragraphs)

Golden rules for choosing the right picks
First, the mana curve must be taken into account.By looking at the cost of the cards, you can create a balanced deck so that as little as possible of the turns uncovered during the games.
The second point concerns the synergyespecially in the last choices we will already have an idea of the deck that we will use during the arena so we may find ourselves in situations where we will choose cards maybe below average that work well with those selected so far, perhaps balancing the choice on cards with Battle cry o death rale as needed.
Hearthstone Current Meta Tier Arena - Update 04/05/2018
The Meta Tieris calculated on the basis of the percentage of Victory (winrate) of HearthArena and defined according to the "power" of the cards calculated with game plugins such as Overwolf by the hero power and synergy of the cards in the standard goal currently in play.
Our personal scale goes from 1 to 60 and is divided into 4 blocks:
Give priority to picks Excellent e Excellent, the picks Vouchers e Above average will be crucial to weave your strategies, the picks Average e Below average will be situational picks and forced by lack of synergy, try to avoid picks as much as possible.Bad guys e Terrible choose them only if forced or for some strange strategy developed in the deck building.
N.b. in the section below give a moment of time to your web browser to load the cards by passing over them with the mouse.
To help you search for cards press the button F3
[Phantom Destroyer] | [Silver Protector] [Consecration] | [Potion of Heroism] | [Virtuous Protector] | [Bone Nightmare] |[Ogre Rock] | [Yeti di Ventofreddo] | [Cobalt Grenade] | [Iron Dwarf] | [Necrorist] | [Necrorist] | [Dragon Slayer] | [Mushroomsman] |[Golem Reaper] | [Hyldnir Rider] | [Plesiosaur Satio] | [Sen'jin Guardian] | [Sneaky Demon] | [Val'kyr Illuminated] | [Purple Worm] |[Stubborn Gasteropod] | [Swamp Slime] | [Worshipful Slime] | [Worshipful Master] | [Champion of Rockavent] | [Bosconero Spirit] | [Blast Messenger] |
[Crystal Lion] | [Equality] | [Unidentified Hammer] | [Silver Officer] | [Bone Draco] | [Gilneas Royal Guard] | [Defender Pietrasalda] | [Champion of the Sun] | [Evil Volatile]
[Call to Arms] | [Thunderclap Giant] | [Primordial Draco] | [Astiosa Summoner] | [Astiosa Summoner] | [Vacuum Slasher]
[Cairne] | [Cairne] | [Death]
Good ones:
[Kings Blessing] | [Kings Guardian] | [Hydrologist] | [Acherus Veteran] | [Berserker Amani] | [Silver Guardian] | [Metal Wolf Alpha] | [Earth Seer] | [Dragon] | [Dragon Fairy] | [Magma Phoenix] | [Frost Elemental] | [Mushroom Enchantress] | [Giant Mastodon] | [Glacial Splinter] | [Dragon Swallower] | [Igneous Elemental] | [Crazy Bomber] | [Narubian Prophet] | [Nesting Griffin] | [Furious Worgen] | [Stealthy Smilodon] | [Shattered Sun Cleric] | [Scarlet Crusade] | [Mushroom Breeder] | [Knight Silver Hand] | [Silver Hand] | [Speaking Chinese] | [Revolting Tiger] | [White Wolves Lord] | [Giant Wasp] | [Crazy Doctor] | [Furious Ettin] | [Mystic Pelorovo] | [Nut Leprechaun] | [Nut Goblin]
[Screaming Captain] | [Elected from the Light] | [Body Snatcher] | [Argus Defender] | [Frozen Destroyer] | [Crying Banshee] | [Coboldo Monk] | [Lone Champion] | [Technocontroller] | [Phantom Militia] | [Chained Slave] | [Scorpi-O-Matic] | [Kodo Impetuoso] | [Formapietre Tol'vir] | [Violacea Teacher] | [Boscotetro's Grizzly]
[Avenging Wrath] | [Dinosaurism] | [Celestial Hand] | [Sword of Justice] | [Blood Knight] | [Nightmare Amalgam] | [Voodoo Doll]
[Bolvar Flaming Blood] | [Glass Knight] | [Alexstrasza] | [Arfus] | [Gruul] | [Harrison Jones] | [Mugalarga] | [Black Knight] | [Black Knight]
Above average:
[Blessing: Wisdom] | [Wrath Hammer] | [Wrath Hammer] | [Sergeant Violent] | [Raptor Redtail] | [Noisy Storyteller] | [Swamp Aberration] | [Greenish Jelly] | [Apprentice Coboldo] | [Booty Raider] | [Coriaceous Scrabble] | [Pozzaroccia Hunter] | [Cruel Mole] | [Astioso Blacksmith] | [Roccavento Knight] | [Treacherous Henchman] | [Swamp Dragon's Egg]
[Lower Magic Pearl] | [Emperor Cobra] | [Emperor Cobra] | [Golakka Crab] | [Ettin Famished] | [Lady of the Imp] | [Wounded Sword Master] | [Wretchedly] | [Minuteman Digging] | [Sun Fury Watch] | [Twilight Draco] | [Vulcanosaurus] | [Wild Pyromancer] | [Woodland Piper]
[Guardian] | [Sour Hydra] | [Spreadshot] | [Firefighter] | [Body Snatcher] | [Fire Forge Colossus] | [Honest Megasaurus] | [Greedy Slime] | [Musky Horror] | [Monster Hunter] | [Broken Manger] | [Corpse Predator] | [Worgen Abomination]
[Baron Geddon] | [Countess Ashtray] | [Hemet the Hunter] | [Illidan Grantempesta] | [The Beast]
[Imposition: Protection] | [Justice of the Light] | [Lamagelida Champion] | [Lost in the Jungle] | [Noble Sacrifice] | [Archmage] | [Veleros Raider] | [Murloc Gill] | [Cursed Disciple] | [Healing Scagliascura] | [Firefly] | [Firefly Eating Ghoul] | [Inventric Gnome] | [Grizzly Necromancer] | [Grizzly Pelodurus] | [Jungle Panther] | [Oasis Turtle] | [Magus Ogre] | [Pterrordattilo Neonato] | [Pterrordattilo Neonato] | [Pterrordattilo Neonato] | [Puppy Devasauro] | [Lamaspina Hunter] | [Lamaspina Hunter] | [Crocolisco di Fiume] | [Calcafogne] | [Lunargenta Watch] | [Sleeping Dragon] | [Stegodonte] | [Commando [Thunderbolt] | [Thunderbolt Sauro] | [Thunderbolt Chest] | [Trogg Eater] | [Venomant] | [Elemental Unstable] | [Necrotic Geist] | [Young Brewer] | [Rotten Apple Tree] | [Rotten Apple Tree]
[Light Stegodon] | [Abomination] | [Chief Inspector] | [Crazy Alchemist] | [Wrecker] | [Half-Breed Wrecker] | [Happy Ghoul] | [Knife Thrower] | [Resolute Adventurer] | [Corvolesto Hitman] | [Kalimos' Servant] | [Screaming Mushroom] | [Young Vestal]
| [Arcane Tyrant] | [Careful Explorer] | [Witch's Cauldron] | [Witch's Cauldron]
[Thalnos] | [Master Dorian Dollboys] | [Elise Pioneer] | [King Mukla] | [Malygos] | [Malygos] | [Zola the Gorgon]
Below average:
[Djinn Benevolent] | [Alarm Blaring] | [Blessing.] Vigor] | [Humility] | [Acolyte of Pain] | [Master Brewer] | [Goblin Escort] | [Dragon Builder] | [Drill Digger] | [Guild Recruiter] | [Guild Recruiter] | [Coboldo Geomante] | [Arena Champion] | [Crazy Rider] | [Tempest Watcher] | [Corrupted Zealot] | [Ultrasaurus] | [Goblin Mercenary] | [Goblin Mercenary] | [Voodoo Thaumaturge] | [War Golem] | [Fallen Sun Cleric] | [Berserker Gurubashi] | [Egg Stealer] | [Pumpkin Grower] | [Dragon Keeper] | [Dragon Crowdsman]
[Divine Favor] | [Sacred Wrath] | [Ebony Dragonfly] | [Meccaniac Auctioneer] | [Muslim Knightly Knight] | [Mad Hatter] | [Night Predator] | [Minute Echoing] | [Scary Worm] | [Scary Worm]
[Horror of the Underworld] | [Horror of the Underworld] | [Vate della Rovina] | [Unbuttoned Mutant] | [Great Archivist] | [Condottiero Murloc] | [Destroyer Nerubiano] | [Rover Coboldo] | [Primalist of Tortolla]
[Prince Liam] | [Captain Pelleverde] | [Leeroy Jenkins] | [Marin the Fox] | [Millhouse Manalampo] | [Nat Pagle] | [Ozruk] | [Prince Taldaram] | [Prince Valanar] | [Voraxx] | [Mechanista Granfavilla]
Bad guys:
[Quick Adaptation] | [Dark Sentence] | [Dry Prisoner] | [Hand of Salvation] | [Redemption] | [Bloodworm] | [Core Hound] | [Wizard of Dalaran] | [Elven Archer] | [White Wolves Grunt] | [Dwarf Rifleman] | [Mogu'shan Keeper] | [Night howler] | [Lamascura] | [Novice Engineer] | [Priestess of Elune] | [Pinnantian Lookout] | [Manchurian Lookout] | [Mantoargenteo Patriarch] | [Schelemante] | [Plasmamagia] | [Tauren Warrior] | [Thrallmar Seer] | [Vryghoul] | [Elemental] | [Elemental of the Wax] | [Wind Fury Harpy] | [Cutthroat Cutthroat Watercolor] | [Elemental Cauldron] | [Watery Lizard] | [Mutamagia] | [Swamp Bleeder] | [Wild Scagliamanto]
[Arrogant Crusader] | [Guard Bell Ringing] | [Champion Benedict] | [Desperate Champion] | [Desperate Resistance] | [Elderly Wizard] | [Arcane Golem] | [Veleros Runner] | [Oracle Lucefredda] | [Cold Light Seer] | [Ferino Speaker] | [Succhiavita] | [Mana Addict] | [Presence of Mana] | [Sword Blacksmith] | [Phantom Freemason] | [Guardian of Secrets]
[Cathedral Gargoyle] | [New Level!] | [Pinnantics Champion] | [Blind Champion] | [Hunting Expert] | [Hunting Crab] | [Hungry Crab] | [Chariot of the Dead] | [Magma Giant] | [Mountain Giant] | [Sandstorm Windsor] | [Scintillating Unicorn] | [Predator Geist]
[Lynessa Solearso] | [Master Cuordiquercia] | [Prince Keleseth] | [Prince Keleseth] | [Umbra Singsongbirds]
[Eye for Eye] | [Preaching] | [Sacred Light] | [Knight Scagliamorta] | [Emerald Raider] | [Borgodoro Jack] | [Borgodoro Jack] | [Scagliasalda Oracle] | [Contaminated Gnome] | [Magma Fury] | [Murloc Raider] | [Shield Holder] | [Vanguard] | [Vanguard Silver] | [Cold Penguin Penguin] | [Wild Boar Scagliadura] | [Cruel Skeleton] | [Fire Fatuous] | [Miserable Farmer] | [Young Dragonfly] | [Mechanical Machine] | [Inquisitor Vilanima] | [Swamp Dragon] | [Vaporobot Unload]
[Allarm-Bot] | [Ancient Guardian] | [Angry Chicken] | [Gigantosaurus Egg] | [Abnormal Foliage] | [Guardian of Light] | [Murloc Invoking] | [Ticking Abomination] |
[Hidden Wisdom] | [Hidden Wisdom] | [Penalty of Light] | [Death Punisher] | [Drakkari Spellcaster] | [Queen of the Hive] | [Skeleton Rascal Scoundrel]
[Azalina Soul Thief] | [King Cobaldo] | [Ranger Cho] | [Nozdormu] | [The Darkness] |