celebrates its 10 years of activity in Italy with a series of interesting curiosities about how users' tastes on the portal have changed in recent months. Added to these are also an analysis of the company's growth data in Italy, and some previews of the strategy and investments for the next few years. On the other hand, in the last year the platform has grown in a truly incredible way. In 2020 alone he had an increase of + 44% in the number of shops that have registered. And this is not the only data released by to celebrate its XNUMXth anniversary of activity. 10 years of success
On the occasion of's birthday, the company chose to carry out a survey to understand what consumer opinions were. The result was incredible: well 86% of the interviewees have a good / excellent rating on the platform. And the 37.3% claimed to have saved over 500 € in the last year thanks to idealo. But who is the typical consumer who uses the service to compare offers online and save on purchases? Apparently the man between 25 and 34 years old, or between 35 and 44 years old. Furthermore, as many as 7 out of 10 consumers use the service from your smartphone - in most cases, Android -.
READ ALSO: How often do you shop online?But the surprising fact concerns the over 65, which cannot properly be called digital natives. Yet, in the last 12 months, 73.1% more have chosen to use the platform to compare prices and find the most convenient offers. In short, in the course of these 10 years the service has acquired new types of customers, and has seen the tastes of users change considerably. On 29 July 2011 - the first day of -, for example, the three most sought-after products were the Nikon D3100 digital camera, the Teac CR-H500NT stereo receiver and the Superga Disney 2750 Trainers sneakers. But already the following year something had changed.

In 2012, in fact, the most sought-after products were smartphones, cell phones, fireplaces, stoves, notebooks and televisions. In 2016, however, users were interested in smartphones, carnival costumes for children and adults, televisions and refrigerators. Today, as you can well imagine, the tastes of users seem to veer towards smartphone, sneaker, televisions, running shoes e SmartWatch. Not surprisingly, the most sought after products are the Sony PlayStation 5 Disc Edition, the Sony PlayStation 5 Digital Edition and the Nike Air Jordan 1 Mi. In short, the tastes of users have changed, but continues to remain a constant reference point for comparing prices and choosing the right purchases to make. We have nothing more to say: happy birthday!
Tagsacquisti online Happy birthday,!