For many, Guyun's Chi quest in Genshin Impact takes a bit of time. There are several sections of this quest. You have to work your way, and not all of them are obvious. This can make the finish a bit tricky, but with a little bit of time, effort, and keeping your eyes peeled, you'll be able to finish it off without a problem. We're going to highlight all the little parts to make sure everyone can complete it effectively and move on to their next adventure. You start off by embarking on the quest by visiting Qingce Village by talking to the Yan'er in the southern part of the map, near the ruins.
The first step of the quest is to investigate the ruins that Yan'er wants to learn more about when Chi's origin was found in the land. However, they warn of a Ruin Hunter who resides inside, so you can expect one of them to guard the inside of the Ruins. The quest takes you northwest from your location in Yan'er, which should be highlighted on your map when you accept the task. After defeating the Ruin Hunter, explore the ruins he was protecting, then you must find various statues near the large orange crystals bursting from the ground. Approach these statues to continue the quest.

The next task is to go north of the village of Quigce and talk to the locals about what you found on the stone. When you talk to the villagers, they recommend that you talk with Granny Ruoxin. Learning reduces the search at the top of the village so you can locate Ruoxin. It's right next to the waypoint sanctuary in the center of the village, at the top.
Granny tells you the story of Geo Chi and where you can discover the locations of several fragments. You have to scour the surroundings to locate them all, and Ruoxin hints that you might want to try the highest point on the mountain and one of the surrounding ruins. You want to look west of the village. We have all the shard locations for you, making locating them much easier.
Location of the first fragment
The first shard you can find is directly west of the village, near a waypoint sanctuary. It's on top of the hill behind, in the middle of a shrine. Approach the fragment and you must follow a particular order to activate the different shines. Choose the one in the middle, the one at the bottom right, the one at the top left, the one at the top right, then the one at the bottom right. This summons the chest to reveal the shard.

Location of the second fragment
The next fragment is closer to Ruoxin. Return to the village where you spoke to him and use a Waypoint Sanctuary to speed up your journey. You want to face the mountain south of this shrine and climb it. It's a tough climb, so work your way to the top, finding the best cliffs to rest on as you climb. It helps to increase your stamina as much as you can.
When you reach the top, just like the previous shrine, you need to activate the statues in a particular order. All you need to do is activate four. When facing north, activate the statue to the left of the small orange crystal, the one facing the big tree at the top of the hill in the water, the statue to the left of that one, and the last one will face the pine tree. green is on the hill, facing the flat top of the mountain. A chest will appear when you activate all four, giving you the next shard.

Once you have both fragments, return to Ruoxin to examine them. Your next task is to find your way inside the arch, which should be behind a waterfall northwest of your current location. It is indicated on your map. When you get there go to the right of the waterfall and there is a small path in the cave. Go inside to enter the safe.

Inside the safe you need to find a small group of Treasure Hoarder enemies. Take them out, then approach the crystal on the support and activate it. When you do, you must protect a cache from the waves of Ruin Guards. These enemies will come in a wave of one, a wave of three, then a Ruin hunter. You really want a ranged character for the Ruin Hunter to make him easier to defeat.
After defeating the waves of monsters, you must search the vault for the treasure you were looking to acquire. Proceed to the bottom of the cave where there is a room full of chests. The central chest will have what you are looking for, but the other chests contain additional items that make the quest an interesting adventure. Return to Ruoxin when you completely loot the area to complete the quest.