Let's face it, what would be a role-playing game without optional bosses? If in Final Fantasy one of your main goals was to find and defeat the various Weapons in the game, even in Ni No Kuni II : The Fate of a Kingdom you can try your hand at a whole series of confrontations with a high level of difficulty. In the game world there are in fact 60 Creatures of the Evil. They may look like ordinary monsters, but the purple aura that surrounds them makes us realize that this is not the case. These creatures are much stronger than their colleagues, and beating them won't be easy in some cases. Once again, the game will grant us two trophies linked to these optional encounters: "Hunter", a bronze trophy that will be awarded to you after you kill the first Creature of the Evil One", and "Legendary Hunter", which will unlock to the 50th defeated creature.
In this guide, we will tell you where to find and how to defeat all 60 Creatures of the Evil One. If you are looking for other useful advice on Ni No Kuni II : The Destiny of a Kingdom, have a look at the other guides we have created:
Ni No Kuni II how to beat the Creatures of the Evil One.
Let's start by saying that in Ni No Kuni II : The Doom of a Kingdom, there will be 60 creatures of the curse. Of these, the last ten will only appear after defeating the previous 50, which, we remind you, are necessary for the "Legendary Hunter" trophy. You will come across many of these creatures during the secondary missions. Precisely for this reason, it is certainly a good idea to complete them all and to be so "on with the job". Remember also that every defeated Evil One Creature will reward you with a lot of experience, with a lot of dorados and with some objects that can be obtained practically only in this way.
If you are also trying to get the "Millionaire" trophy, defeating all the Creatures of the Maleficio is undoubtedly a great way to unlock the achievement in question. Before we go into the list, we'll leave you with a few small tips to bring home victory in the battles that await you.
- Get a good supply of healing supplies. Don't skimp on the various Medical Herbs, Medical Granderbs, Medical Clovers, Incense, Grandincense, as well as the Tears of the Angel and the Goddess, in case any member of your team is knocked out;
- Don't go to battle on an empty stomach. Before each fight, it is good to consume food that will give you attack and/or defense bonuses. In addition, you should eat any food that can increase the loading percentage of the weapons you use;
- When the counter of your weapon reaches 100%, what would normally be magical attacks will become stun attacks. The moment you've managed to knock the creature out momentarily, take advantage of this to charge the other weapons to 100%, so that when it gets up, you'll have a new opportunity to stun it again;
- Always count on the help of the Cioffi. Never forget to check if your little friends are preparing a spell, in particular the Dark Chocks: their attacks, although they take a while to load themselves, are the most effective;
List of 60 Creatures of the Maleficio
Here's a list with the exact location of all the evil creatures. Remember that you can easily shoot them down after completing the main plot: the "Legendary Hunter" trophy is not missing. Once identified, the creatures on the world map will be marked with a purple marker. To keep track of your progress, follow Touchpad > Encyclopedia > Statistics > Defeated Evil Creatures.
- Creature of the Evil One 01: Googah - You will find him in Tortuosa Street, near the Forest of Nyr;
- Creature of the Beast 02: Prangles - You'll find it at Turbulent Forest, in the area of Piana Bellavista;
- Creature of the Evil One 03: Magmanimus - You'll find it at Shipshire Cape;
- Creature of the Evil One 04: Clangston - You will find him in the Plain of Glinus;
- Creature of the Maleficio 05: Martimer - You will find him in Caverna Piccola, near Piana Bellavista;
- Creature of the Maleficio 06: Mystral - You will find it in Bosco Aurora, near the Nyr Forest;
- Creature of the Maleficio 07: Stormigan - You'll find it at Grotta Dubbiosa, on the Serpentine Promontory;
- Creature of the Maleficio 08: Conflagra - You will find it at Sunset Coast, near the Quiet Path;
- Creature of the Maleficio 09: Whammity - You will find him in Piroga;
- Creature of Evil 10: Quilla - You'll find him on Vespra Island;
- Creature of Evil 11: Lily - You will find it at the Astrea Coast, in the South Beaches area;
- Creature of the Maleficio 12: Yvan - You will find it at the Astrea Coast, in the area of the Southern Beaches;
- Creature of the Evil One 13: Puddley - You will find it at the Melancholy Sanctuary, in the area of Megalia Island;
- Creature of Evil 14: Fanger - You'll find him at Jack Frost's Playground;
- Creature of Maleficio 15: Spark - You'll find it at Grotta Altura, in the area of Megalia Island;
- Creature of the Maleficio 16: Grimwit - You will find him going around Val Mirabella;
- Creature of the Maleficio 17: Gimpopo - You will find him at the island Megalia;
- Creature of the Maleficio 18: Abnorma - You will find it at the Bosco Restafò, at the Sentiero della Quiete;
- Creature of Maleficio 19: Florette - You will find it at the Abyssal Forest, in the area of Sequonia;
- Creature of the Maleficio 20: Twinky - You will find him at the Sanctuary without name. To find him, you will first have to restore the temple with the Komenovo spell, to be learned at the Magic Laboratory;
- Creature of the Evil One 21: Madusa - You will find it on Boreja Island;
- Creature of the Maleficio 22: Boarcher - You will find him at the Remote Cave, in the area of Piana Bellavista;
- Creature of Evil 23: Gaialith - You'll find him at Jack Frost's Playground;
- Creature of Maleficio 24: Dampo - You will find it at Megalia Island;
- Creature of Maleficio 25: Klogg - You will find it in the desert continent;
- Creature of the Evil One 26: You'll find it in the Underground Cave in the area of Sequonia;
- Creature of Maleficio 27: Skyrch - You'll find it in the area of Sequonia;
- Creature of Maleficio 28: Gryndl - You'll find him on the desert continent;
- Creature of the Maleficio 29: Flappy - You will find him in the Silvana Cave. Be careful: you can only meet him during Side Quest 082;
- Creature of Maleficio 30: Swellhorn - You will find it at Via Tortuosa;
- Creature of the Maleficio 31: Crysolith - You will find him in the Eastern Forest, in the area of Sequonia. Be careful: you can only meet him during Side Quest 115;
- Creature of Maleficio 32: Snotley - You will find him at the Fountain of Gatmandù;
- Creature of Maleficio 33: Akheilos - You will find it at the Spirit Labyrinth. Be careful, you can only meet him during Side Quest 109;
- Creature of Maleficio 34: Leolynx - You will find it at the Western Forest, in the area of the Great Plateau;
- Creature of the Maleficio 35: Tusker - You will find him at the Cave of the Shipwreck, on Megalia Island;
- Creature of Maleficio 36: Twygg - You will find him at the Nest of the Living. Be careful, it will appear during Side Quest 141;
- Creature of Maleficio 37: Doombo - You will find it at the Ice Age Sanctuary on the frozen continent;
- Creature of Evil 38: Dahlia - You will find him at Belly of the Beast. Use the Quick Travel Point to get there easily. Available only after completing the main plot, you need to create a save after the credits and then load it from the main menu;
- Creature of Maleficio 39: Grimbaba - You will find it at the Aesilia Plateau;
- Creature of the Maleficio 40: Toxin - You will find it at the Fonte della Fortuna, in the area of the Sentiero della Quiete;
- Creature of the Maleficio 41: BL-Ammo - You will find it in the area of Sequonia;
- Creature of the Maleficio 42: Boarzerker - You will find him at the Ancient Sanctuary;
- Creature of Maleficio 43: Charmigan - You'll find him at the Sand Sanctuary on the desert continent. You will have to use the Komenovo spell to restore the temple and then enter it. The monster will be inside;
- Creature of the Maleficio 44: Sporespew - You will find it at the Old Sanctuary;
- Creature of the Maleficio 45: Zapple - You will find it at the Frozen Sanctuary. You will need the Komenovo spell to restore the temple and then enter. The monster will be inside the structure;
- Creature of the Evil 46: Snickersnarl - He will only appear during Side Quest 170;
- Creature of Evil 47: Sindulata - You'll find it near the arid continent;
- Creature of Evil 48: Starless Knight - You'll find him at the Burning Sanctuary;
- Creature of the Evil One 49: Ziggy - You'll find him at Jack Frost's Playground. Be careful: it will only appear during Side Quest 149;
- Creature of Maleficio 50: Storme - You'll find it at Farflung Cape;
- Creature of the Evil One 51: Lymina - You will find it at the Quiet Path (to make it appear you must first defeat all previous Evil One Creatures);
- Creature of the Maleficio 52: Jellena - You will find it at the Coastal Cave (to make it appear you must first defeat all previous Creatures of the Maleficio);
- Creature of the Evil One 53: Porcopalypto - You'll find it at Piana Bellavista (to make it appear you must first defeat all previous Evil One Creatures);
- Creature of the Evil 54: You will find it at Seat of the Sea Beast. Use the Spirit Labyrinth's quick travel point (it's in the cave on the purple island in the lower right corner of the map, you'll need to defeat all previous Evil One Creatures to make it appear);
- Creature of the Maleficio 55: Floode - You will find it at the Val Serpentina (to make it appear you must first have defeated all the previous Creatures of the Maleficio);
- Creature of Evil 56: BL-Yte - You'll find him in one of the floors of the Sequonia factory (to make him appear you must first defeat all previous Evil Creatures);
- Creature of Doom 57: Horraura - You'll find him at the Old Aqueduct of Gatmandù (to make him appear you must first defeat all previous Creatures of Doom);
- Creature of the Maleficio 58: Elkwhisker - You will find him at the Aesilia Plateau (to make him appear you must first have defeated all previous Creatures of the Maleficio);
- Creature of Evil 59: Mangala - You will find him at the Shrine of Unity, located in the crater of the frozen continent (to make him appear you must first defeat all the previous Creatures of Evil);
- Creature of the Evil 60: Humphrey - You'll find him at the Nyr Forest (to make him appear you must first defeat all previous Evil Creatures);
How to defeat the most powerful Creatures of the Evil One.

As some may have realized, the last ten monsters are by far the most challenging. For this very reason, to get the better of them, you will need to level your team. Once you've finished the game, you should be more or less at level 70, take advantage of the opportunity to face the final boss again and, within a few hours, you'll reach level 90, ideal to take down the remaining Evil Creatures. Moreover, defeating all monsters is certainly the best possible preparation to defeat the strongest boss of Ni No Kuni II : the monster on the 30th floor of the 10th Oneiric Labyrinth.