Which Kosatka Submarine Upgrades Should You Buy?
You can purchase four additional upgrades when you purchase the Kosatka Sub in GTA Online, and each of them is listed below.
- Station Sonar (1 200 000 dollars)
- Guided missiles (1 900 000 dollars)
- Weapons workshop (350 000 dollars)
- Moon Pool vehicles (3 360 000 dollars)
You can also change the color and flag of your submarine, but these are cosmetic upgrades and have no benefits. Changing the flag is free, but a new paint job will cost you around $ 75. The other four upgrades are the main draw of the submarine, however. Here's what each of them does.
Station Sonar
The sonar station costs $ 1, and it's arguably the biggest upgrade for the Kosatka submarine in GTA Online. It allows you to search for hidden treasures and follow other submarines around you. Being able to follow other submarines is good, especially since the Kosatka can be destroyed and people like to sneak up on you and grieve you, but the treasure scanner is the main feature. There are a lot of valuable things to be found off the coast of Los Santos, and this upgrade will help you locate them. If you buy an upgrade for the Kosatka, buy this one.
Guided missiles
Guided missiles cost $ 1. This is more of a fun upgrade than anything else, letting you launch controllable missiles wherever you want. There is a one minute cooldown between shots, but other than that you can draw as many as you want. You can pull these lovely beautiful lands inland as well, making them great mourning tools. They are also great for defending your submarine against incoming sorrows.
Weapons workshop
The Weapons Workshop is not a new upgrade from GTA Online, but having one on board the Kosatka can be handy. It costs $ 350, making it the cheapest upgrade you can get for the sub. It works the same as the Weapons Workshop in other GTA Online properties, allowing you to upgrade weapons to their Mk II forms. Mk II weapons can take advantage of special ammo types and unique accessories, which can really come in handy during tough heists. If you plan to use a noisy approach for the Cayo Perico Heist, this upgrade will come in handy. It's also pretty cheap, so you might as well buy it.
Moon Pool vehicles
You can buy two Lunar Pool vehicles for your submarine, and they add up to $ 3360 if you buy both. The first is a miniature helicopter called the Sparrow, which sits on the upper deck of the submarine. You can take off from the Kosatka and return to the mainland from Los Santos or anywhere you like if you purchase this helicopter. The other vehicle is a miniature submarine called the Kraken Avisa, which sits on the lower deck of the Kosatka. You can use this submarine for underwater exploration. None of the vehicles have a particular function, but they are handy to have if you have the extra cash.
Le Cayo Perico Heist is now available in GTA Online on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. A New Generation Version of the Game is Currently in Development for PS5 and Xbox Series X | S.