GreedFall is a great role-playing game, and like many others, you can get involved in the romantic entanglement if you play it right. You can have sex with your companions, as long as they have a high regard for you. It won't be easy though, your mates all have other things on their minds and you have to prove what kind of person you are before love blossoms.
GreedFall – Guide Romance
To be able to love a GreedFall companion you must help them complete their own quest chain. This involves talking to them regularly, accompanying them on certain missions, and helping them complete their own side quests.
You also need to play smart. If you are planning on arguing with the natives, you might not want Siora to be with you if you are considering romanticizing her. It is easy to lose the reputation of your companions and it will affect your ability to love them.
Your goal is to achieve the level of relationship that you can check in the Companion to Friendly menu so that the companion can take a romantic interest in your life. However, it's really possible to mess this up, and you can actually destroy your chances of falling in love with a character if you act in a way that doesn't approve of it.
Of your available companions, Siora, Kurt, Aphra, and Vasco can all be fictionalized. Some will depend on whether your character is male or female.
- Kurt - can only be romanticized by wife De Sardet.
- Aphra - can only be romanticized by male De Sardet.
- Siora - can be romanticized by De Sardet, male or female.
- Vasco - can be romanticized by a man or a woman De Sardet.
Each romance option is also tied to an achievement.
- Kurt - keeper of love
- Aphra - Love and Botany
- Siora - Minudhanem
- Vasco - love and the sea
So that's all you need to know to play the dating game in GreedFall. How wonderful to see love blossom in the New World.