GOG.COM's discount offers are currently hitting staggering numbers, going up to -90% off on over 300 offers currently. This action is made as part of the celebration of Independence Day and Canada Day for video games developed in these countries. The discounts started yesterday, July 1st, and will run all week, so don't waste time and visit GOG.Com by clicking here.
These 300 DRM-free sales offers differ between Canada and the United States. Specifically, games made in the USA hit -90%, while games made in Canada hit -80%. As many of you know, U.S. Independence Day is July 4th and many stores across the country and online are offering huge discounts throughout the week.
Canada's National Day took place on July 1. It is the holiday legalized by the federal government since the signing of the Constitution Act, 1867. This act marked the unification of three colonies: the Province of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It is also celebrated all over the country and in some places around the world.
GOG's cover page is naturally drawn to the pre-order offer for the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077, which unfortunately isn't included in the discounted offers. The game currently costs $ 59,99. However, there are many other titles available at alarming discount rates. Some new titles usually only offer small token discounts, like Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, offered at -10%. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - The Game of the Year Edition is also not on offerings.
However, there are many blockbuster games that are offered at budget prices, such as Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition, is 60% off and costs $ 27,99. As mentioned, the discounts differ from the Canadian and US offers, so be sure to pick the right ones for you. Another amazing deal is on offer for Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition which is offered at -75% and is priced at $ 4,49. You can also buy My Friend Pedro for PC for $ 14,29 and find plenty of more lucrative deals.