After a wait that seemed endless, we finally can: God of War he's back among us! The new chapter in the adventure of Kratos is finally playable, to the delight of so many fans. From the very first hours of the game, you'll realize how this new episode of the franchise represents a new beginning for our hero. Precisely for this reason, even the last Sony exclusive makes you available. Before we go any further, we would like to make an important and dutiful premise: THE TROPHY GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS! Continue reading at your own risk. We remind you that if you are looking for a single trophy, you can use the command CTRL + F and type the desired keyword.
God of War: some preliminary advice
Let's start by telling you exactly how many trophies we will need to unlock. This new God of War one provides 37 trophiesof which 22 in bronze, 9 in silver, 5 in gold and the inevitable platinum trophy. Unlike the previous chapters of the saga, the final trophy will be achievable with a single runat any level of difficulty. It will therefore not be compulsory to start at the highest level of challenge right away, so that we can concentrate on the plot. In addition, there are no missing trophiesThe same collectible items can be obtained after completing the main quest. Although there are over 300 such items, don't worry: finding all of them will be quite a quick and easy task, as they are all tracked on the game map. To get the game's platinum, you'll need to invest about 35/40 hoursof which at least 15 for the main plot and the remainder for all other trophies.
The first piece of advice we have to give you, based on what has been said so far, is to enjoy the game: savour the plot without thinking too much about collectible objects, also because some of them cannot be obtained immediately, in particular the purple boxes and the Nornir boxes (those sealed by three runes). Set the difficulty to "Normal" (or "Easy" if you want to get the trophies without too much difficulty) and dive into God of War.
Once you've completed the main plot, you'll be able to get all the collectibles that the game makes available to you. In this respect, the trophies related to collectible items are 13, including those related to dragons and valkyries.
In addition, there will be eight purple crates that Atreus can open with his knife. The contents of these boxes will open the way to the realms of Muspelheim e Niflheim, the two bonus areas of the game. In them there will be additional challenges and some tests to be passed in order to get the necessary to unlock the strongest boss of the game: the Queen of the Valkyries. In order to unlock it, you must summon her by placing the heads of the other eight Valkyries next to her throne. As mentioned earlier, it's the toughest boss in the game, so save it for last when you've got armor to protect yourself properly.
Bronze Trophies

The journey begins
Defend your home from the stranger
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss. You will be awarded when you complete the first mission of the main quest, entitled "The Marked Trees".

A new friend
Survive the woods of the Witch
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss. You will be awarded when you complete the second mission of the main quest, entitled "Path to the Mountain".

Like at home
Allow the light elves to return home
Storytelling trophy, impossible to miss. It will be awarded when you complete the fourth mission of the main quest, entitled "The Light of Alfheim".

Defeat the Mountain Dragon
Trophy related to history, impossible to miss. It will be awarded when you complete the fifth mission of the main quest, entitled "Inside the Mountain", exactly after defeating the great dragon "Hraezlyr".

Problematic consequences
Defeat Magni and Ways
Story related trophy, impossible to miss. It will be assigned to you when you complete the seventh mission of the main quest, entitled "The Magic Chisel", after the boss fight with Magni and Modi.

Who's back
Retrieve the Blades of Chaos
A trophy linked to history, impossible to miss. You will be awarded during the ninth mission of the main quest, entitled "The Sickness". precisely after obtaining the Chaos Blades and mowing down the first wave of enemies with them.

Promise honoured
Care Atreus
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss. It will be awarded to you when you complete the ninth mission of the main quest, entitled "The Sickness".

Round Two
Save Atreus
Trophy tied to history, impossible to miss. You will be awarded when you complete the eleventh mission of the main quest, titled "Return to the Summit".

Wraiths of the past
Take the ship out of Helheim
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss. You will be awarded when you complete the twelfth mission of the main quest, entitled "Escape from Helheim".

Crepuscular recalls
Defeat Baldur
A trophy linked to history, impossible to miss. It will be awarded to you when you complete the 15th mission of the main quest, entitled "Jötunheim in Reach", precisely after completing the boss fight against Baldur.

Below the surface
Fully explore the Lake of Nine
To get this trophy, all you have to do is visit every area of Lake Nine, exploring every island in it. The Lake of Nine is the central area of Midgard, and to unlock the trophy you'll need to remove the "fog" that surrounds it on the world map. This means, as mentioned in advance, that you will have to explore all the islands until the fog has completely cleared. However, the pop-up of the trophy may not be automatic: be sure you've removed all the fog, or at most use the quick trip points to return to the site. If you're looking for collectibles, you'll probably get this trophy without even realizing it, as you'll find yourself visiting almost all the places in God of War.

Death has been here
Fully Explore Veithurgard
To unlock the trophy in question, you will need to find all the collectibles in Veithurgard. First of all, Veithurgard is located in the North East area of Lake Nine and you can reach it by boat. The area will be sealed by a huge golden gate, which can be opened at the top of the Stone Falls (the area in front of the golden gate). To get the trophy in question you will need to find all available collectible items (however, it is not necessary to release the dragon in the area). In Veithurgard there are: 6 Artifacts, 1 Mystic Gate, 1 Favour (not necessary), 1 Shop, 6 Lore Marker, 1 Legendary Chest, 1 Nornir Chest and 3 crows of odin.
Learn the languages of Muspelheim and Niflheim
In order to unlock the languages of Muspelheim and Niflheim, and thus obtain the trophy, we will need to find purple boxes containing linguistic codes. We will be able to recognise them and distinguish them from the others by the fact that they have a lock in the shape of a white face, which Atreus can open with his dagger. Each language code will consist of four pieces, so we will need to find four boxes for each code.
Fortunately, there are well over eight speakers in God of War the main quest, and we can get the language codes without too many problems. One of these treasure chests is actually missing: it will be inside the belly of the snake, towards the end of the story, when we will launch our boat into the Sea Serpent to get the second eye of Mimir. Near the gate where we will find the eye, we will find the purple crate we are talking about. Although you can't actually return to this area of the game, don't worry: just find the other purple crates to make sure you get the trophy.
Unlike the other collectible items, the purple trunks are not marked on the map and, fortunately, do not count towards 100% completion of the game. After finding 4 codes of each type, we will unlock the respective kingdom (Muspelheim and Niflheim respectively). These are areas with additional challenges and some of the best items in the game. After finding the 8 necessary boxes, the remaining trunks will simply contain materials to make improvements to our equipment.

Dwarf ingenuity
Strengthen a piece of armor
To get this trophy, you'll need to go to the workshop of Brok and Sindrithe two dwarf blacksmiths. First of all, you will need to have obtained and equipped at least one piece of armour; once you have accessed the shop menu, you will need to press the "RIGHT" button on the directional cross, until you reach the "Upgrade" item. Once this is done, press the X button to select the piece of armour to be upgraded and hold down the SQUARED button to upgrade. Obviously, you will need to pay a certain price in Hacksilver (the game currency) to upgrade the various pieces of armor. Fortunately, the lower level armor pieces will require rather low payouts, so getting the trophy in question won't be a problem at all.

Nice moves
Get a Rune Attack Gem
Trophy related to history, impossible to miss. You will be awarded during the second mission of the main quest, entitled "Path to the Mountain". At some point, Atreus will set his eyes on a chest, which you will need to open to continue your adventure. Generally, Rune Attack Gems can be obtained in the trunks, either by completing side quests or by defeating the various monsters we encounter in God of War.

Create a dress for Atreus
Again, we'll have to go to Brok and Sindri's workshop. In the menu dedicated to the creation of new objects, we will have to select the item "Atreus Armor" and then buy any of its pieces. However, the cheapest piece of Atreus armor will cost 10,000 Hacksilver. To avoid wasting money, you can always save the game before you get the trophy and then load the game, so you get your money back.

Add a spell to your armor
This trophy is directly linked to the "Dwarf ingenuity" achievement. In this case, to add a spell to a piece of our armour, we will need to upgrade it first: only after doing so will the spell slot appear. As an alternative, we can always craft a high-level armor, which will have a spell slot right away. In both cases, you will need to open the menu, select "Armour", press the SQUARED button on an upgraded armour, and display the available spell slots. In order to add it, we'll obviously need to find a spell first; many of these are available as drops from various bosses we'll encounter, while others can be purchased from Brok and Sindri's workshop after making progress on the God of War plot.

The best moves
Completely enhances a Rune Attack
Again, let's continue the discussion that began with the "Belle Mosse" trophy. To fully enhance a runic attack we will first have to find a Gem. The first one we get will be found during the second mission of the main quest, and will be obtained by Atreus simply by progressing through history. Other Rune Attack Gems can be obtained by completing side quests, in the trunks, or simply by defeating the various monsters that block our way. Let's look at the first one we find, called "Hel's touch", which is the cheapest to develop. Unlike the armor, the upgrades in question will have a cost in Experience Points, which we will get by defeating the various enemies. The indicated Gem will have a total cost of 5000 EXP to be fully developed.
Each rune can be upgraded twice. To do so, simply follow the MENU > WEAPONS path (place a rune in the available slots if you haven't already done so) > press X to select the rune to upgrade > press and hold the SQUARE button to upgrade. If you do not want to waste experience points, you can always make a save and then, after getting the trophy, load the game.

Completely enhances the Leviathan axe
We'll get this trophy once we take the Leviathan Ax to level 6.
The Axe can be upgraded at any shop in the game, but to upgrade you will need the Frozen Flames. These items will be automatically obtainable as drops after defeating certain bosses in the main storyline; for this very reason, they cannot be missed. In case you've accidentally forgotten to pick them up, don't worry: just check the "Lost Items" section of the store and retrieve them. However, there is one thing to be done: once you complete the main quest, the Leviathan Axe will probably have reached level 5.
To reach level 6, you will need to open the chests in the central chamber of Niflheim (the ones that will be available for purchase through the Fog Echoes) to get the Chilling Mist of Niflheim. To obtain the chests, we will have to farm these echoes. There are two ways to go: either face the labyrinths of Niflheim (randomly generated), or sell the loot obtained to get echoes in exchange. To get the golden trophy "Mist and Darkness" we will have to buy all the trunks now mentioned.
Once you get the necessary echoes, you'll need to go to the store, and follow the route: Buy > Resources > Trade the Chilling Mist of Niflheim for Frozen Flame. Once this is done, we can complete the upgrade of the Leviathan Axe, taking it to level six.
To unlock the Kingdom of Niflheim, we will first need to find the four related language codes. They are found in the purple trunks, easily distinguishable thanks to their floating padlock in the shape of a white face. They can be opened by Atreus with his dagger.

Why resist?
Completely Strengthens the Chaos Blades
We can get the trophy as soon as we upgrade the Chaos Blades to Level 5.
Chaos Blades can be upgraded at any store, as long as you have the item "Chaos Flames". Once again, this item can be obtained as a drop from the various bosses that we defeat during the main storyline of God of War. Once again, in case we forgot to pick them up after a fight, we can always retrieve them by consulting the "Lost Items" item at each store. As with the Leviathan Axe, the simple completion of the story will allow us to develop the Case Blades only up to level four.
To obtain level 5, we will need to get the "Raging Inferno of Muspelheim" object, which can be obtained in the Muspelheim Kingdom. Once you have obtained the object, you will have to go to any shop and follow the path: BUY > RESOURCES > Exchange the Raging Inferno of Muspelheim for Chaos Flames. After that, we can take the Chaos Flames to level 5.
In order to gain access to the Muspelheim Realm, we will first need to find the four related language codes. They are found in the purple trunks, easily distinguishable thanks to their floating padlock in the shape of a white face. They can be opened by Atreus with his dagger.
The Fanatic's Path
Get the Wanderer's armor set
To get the Wayfarer's armor set, we will obviously have to get all the pieces that make it up: Chest, Forearms and Belt. In order to craft these three pieces we will need the following materials:
- 8 pieces of the Wayfarer's armour;
- 30 gruesome trophies of the Wayfarer;
All these materials can be obtained as a drop after defeating the wayfarers, enemies looking like knights in heavy armor. After defeating the first Wayfarer, you will unlock a new crafting option called "The Less Traveled Road". To unlock the armor in the crafting menu, simply go to Brok and Shrouds and hand over a single piece of the Wayfarer's armor.
In the course of the game, you will find a lot of these opponents, definitely enough to be able to get all the necessary components for the armor set in question. You just need to take out four or five wayfarers to get everything you need. Once again, if you've forgotten to collect the items in question, simply refer to "Lost Items", available at each store, to get them. As mentioned above, God of War nothing is missing.
In case you have difficulty finding the Wayfarers, we list below some places where you can meet them more easily:
- Main Plot: The Magic Chisel (you will automatically meet him);
- Main plot: Escape from Helheim (you will automatically meet him);
- Main Plot: A Path to Jötunheim (you will automatically meet them), in this case you will have to deal with two wayfarers;
- Secondary Mission: Deus Ex Malachite (you will automatically meet him);
- Secondary Mission: Family Business (you will meet him automatically);

Get the Antique's armor set
In order to obtain the Ancient armor set, we will obviously need to obtain all the pieces that make it up: Chest, Forearms and Belt. In order to craft these three pieces we will need the following materials:
- 3 Ancient hearts;
- 16 Ancient Rubble;
Both of these items will be achievable as a drop once you defeat the Ancients, the great rock monsters who will try to hit you with energy that will burst out of their chest. After defeating the first Ancient, you will unlock a new crafting option, called "Heart of Stone". To unlock the armor in the crafting menu, simply go to Brok and Shrouds and give them a single Heart of Ancient.
In the course of the game, you will find a lot of these opponents, definitely enough to be able to get all the necessary components for the armor set in question. You only need to take out three or four Ancients to get everything you need. Once again, in case you've forgotten to collect the items in question, you only need to consult the "Lost Items" item, available at each store, to get them. As mentioned above, God of War nothing is missing.
In case you have difficulty finding the Ancients, we list below some places where you can meet them more easily:
- Main Plot: The Light of Alfheim (you will automatically meet him);
- Main Plot: The Magic Chisel (you will automatically meet him);
- Main Plot: Return to the Summit (you will automatically meet him);
- Secondary Mission: Fafnir's Hoard (you will automatically meet him)
- Secondary Mission: Hail to the King (you'll meet him on the left hand side street, which you'll have to go through to get one of the two keys marked as hard objects for the side quest);
Silver Trophies

Iðunn Orchard
Make the most of your life
There God of War are nine upgrades for the vitality of Kratos.
You'll find health enhancers (called Idunn Apples) inside Nornir's trunks, which will be distinguishable from other chests by the presence of three runic seals on them. In order to maximize our hero's health, we'll need to find all the Idunn Apples (just like in the old days, every time we gather three of them together, we'll unlock a health boost). Nornir's trunks may also contain Horns of Blood Mead, which are the items needed to increase his anger. In total, then, we'll need to collect 18 cases of Nornir out of the 21 available (9 health upgrades, 9 anger boosts).
None of them are missing, and can be obtained after completing the main plot. Each area has a special marker for collectible items, thanks to which you will always know what you missed.

Maximize your anger
There God of War are nine upgrades for Kratos' Rage.
You'll find rabies upgrades (called Horns of Blood Mead) inside Nornir's trunks, which will be distinguishable from other chests by the presence of three runic seals on them. To maximize our hero's health we'll need to find all the Horns of Blood Mead (just like in the old days, every time we'll group three of them together, we'll unlock a health boost). Nornir's trunks can also contain Idunn's Apples, which are the items needed to increase his anger. In total, then, we'll need to collect 18 cases of Nornir out of the 21 available (9 health upgrades, 9 anger boosts).
None of them are missing, and can be obtained after completing the main plot. Each area has a special marker for collectible items, so you'll always know what you missed.

Leaves in the wind
Kill 1,000 enemies
The description of the trophy also tells you how to get it. You'll have to kill 1,000 enemies, but don't worry - there's no need to spend hours and hours farming. In your adventure, between main quests, side quests and challenges, you'll kill well over 1,000 thousand enemies. In case you want to do some farming, you can do it with the Muspelheim challenges: by pressing the TRIANGLE button you can select the "warmup" option, and face almost endless waves of enemies.

Insidious Skies
Release all Dragons
To get the trophy in question, you'll have to free the three dragons scattered around the God of War map. There are three of them, below we list where to find them and what are their names:
- the Dragon "Fafnir" - region where to find it: Council of Valkyries (North of Midgard);
- the Dragon "Reginn" - region where it can be found: Konunsgard (west of Midgard);
- the Dragon "Otr" - region where to find it: Veithurgard (the large area north east of Midgard);
Dragon slaying is a real side mission, marked "favour". You will be able to free all dragons by following the marker that indicates the location of the collectible items. Dragon-related side quests can be completed by destroying the three respective sanctuaries. These are small stones with a blue rune engraved on them; you can find them hidden in the surrounding area, not too far from the dragon, fortunately you won't have to move around too much. After you have destroyed the 3 dragon sanctuaries, you can return to the dragon to open its lock, thus freeing it.
Get all the artifacts
There God of War are no less than 45 artifacts. But don't worry: none of them are missing, and they can be retrieved even after completing the main quest. Each area you will visit has its own markers that will mark and locate each artifact. Once you are in the vicinity, it will be almost impossible not to notice the glow that will signal the presence of the artifact.

The Father of all blinded
Kill all the ravens of Odin
In God of War you may come across as many as 51 Crows of Odin. These are the best hidden collectables of the game by Santa Monica Studio. Although they are also marked with a special marker on the game map, you will understand that you have an Odin Raven nearby when you hear a metallic sound; look around and, if you see a bird of exact location of all the Odin Rooks. Stay tuned for further updates.

Pending Issues
Help all rebellious spirits
To get this trophy, you'll have to complete four side quests called "Favors" for rebel spirits (real ghosts) in the Midgard region. They can be found around the Lake of Nine area.
A guide with the exact location of all rebel spirits is currently being worked on. Stay tuned for further updates.

Treasure hunter
Use the treasure maps to find all the excavation points
In God of War you will find 12 treasure maps, and each of them will show you where to dig.
The Truth
Interprets all Jötnar altars
God of War There are 11 Jötnar Shrines. These are large wooden doors, which can be opened. Once this is done, Atreus will decipher a story that will give us a few more clues about the lore of the game.
Unlike other collectible items, the 11 Jötnar Shrines will not be marked on the game map by any marker. But fortunately, none of them is missing: they will all be available even after the endgame, when we have access to free roaming mode.
Golden Trophies

Last wish
Spread the ashes
Trophy linked to the main story, impossible to miss. You'll get it when you complete the 16th mission of the main quest, entitled "Mother's Ashes". Once you've completed the God of War story, if you want to see a hidden cutscene, all you have to do is return to Kratos' home in the Wildwoods. After completing the main quest, you'll have access to free roaming mode, so you'll get all the trophies and collectibles you need.

As dog and cat
Complete all the favors of Brok and Sindri
To get this trophy you must complete all five favors (side quests) for Brok and Sindri in Midgard. They are the two dwarf traders and blacksmiths that we will meet on our way many times during the plot of the game: we will not be able not to make their acquaintance. Their side quests will become available gradually as we progress through the game. To activate their side quests, all you have to do is visit one of their numerous shops, press the TRIANGLE button and start the adventure search.
Brok will have two favors to ask of you, and Sindri will also have two missions for you. After you have completed their favors, you can find them together in the temple of Tyr: it is there that they will assign you the fifth and final mission.
Below is a list of all the favors of Brok and Sindri:
- Second Hand Soul (Brok);
- Deus Ex Malachite (Brok);
- Fafnir's Hoard (Sindri);
- Family Business (Sindri);
- Hail to the King (Brok and Sindri);
The favors Sindri will ask you in Niflheim are not necessary to obtain this trophy, which will only take into account the five missions carried out in Midgard. You can do the favors even after completing the main quest. After completing a favor, all you have to do is talk to the person who assigned it to you again to unlock the next mission. If you're not assigned anything, it means you'll have to go a little further on the main quest.
However, performing the favor for Brok and Sindri is definitely worth it. Through them, in fact, we will be able to unlock other game areas, where we will have the opportunity to unlock numerous collectible items, necessary to get the trophies that separate us from the platinum of God of War. After completing the fifth favor, we will also unlock two excellent level 6 armor in the shop of the two dwarves.

Flames and Sulfur
Complete all the challenges of Muspelheim
Once in Muspelheim, we will come across six tests to pass, each with three different levels of difficulty: normal, difficult and impossible. To get the trophy in question, you will have to overcome all the challenges, at each level of difficulty. All this will generate a total of 18 challenges. In case the task turns out to be too difficult, you'll always be able to set the difficulty level to "Easy", so you'll get through it more easily. The advice we have to give you is to devote yourself to it only after you have completed the main quest, so you can count on the best possible equipment.
To unlock the Muspelheim Realm, you'll need to collect the relevant four linguistic ciphers, which you'll find in the purple trunks, which can be distinguished from the others by their white floating padlock in the shape of a face, which can be opened by Atreus with his knife.

Fog and Darkness
Retrieve all the treasures from the central lab room...
The central chamber of the laboratory is located in Niflheim. To unlock it, you will need to collect the relevant four linguistic ciphers, which you will find in the purple trunks, which can be distinguished from the others by their white floating padlock in the shape of a face, which can be opened by Atreus with his knife.
Niflheim is basically just a randomized maze zone, with a few death traps and randomly generated enemy armies. This map has its own currency, called "Mist Echoes". We'll have to use these Mist Echoes to buy all the chests in the central room of Niflheim. There are a total of five treasure chests in the central chamber. In order to open all the treasure chests, and thus obtain the trophy, we will have to spend a total of 23,500 Mist Echoes. We will be able to farm this currency by opening the various trunks that we will find during our labyrinth explorations.

Judge of the fallen
Defeat the nine Valkyries
In God of War we may come across 9 Valkyries. Eight of these are normal Valkyries, which we will encounter during the game, while the ninth is the Queen of Valkyries, which will only be evoked after beating the other eight. As mentioned earlier, this is the strongest boss in the game. Below we list where to find all the Valkyries:
- Four in Midgard;
- 1 in Alfheim;
- 1 in Helheim;
- 1 in Muspelheim;
- 1 to Niflheim;
After killing the first 8 Valkyries, you'll have to take their heads to the Midgard region called the "Council of Valkyries". The area in question is north of Lake Nine. To summon the Queen of the Valkyries, you must place the eight heads on their thrones. After defeating her, the trophy will automatically be awarded to us. Please note that the Queen of the Valkyries is extremely difficult to defeat, as many of her attacks cannot be blocked. If you don't want to waste too much time, the advice we have to give you is to reduce the difficulty level to "Easy"; otherwise, know that the boss in question can finish you off with a single blow. In any case, make sure you've upgraded your weapons to the max, and that you've got high-end armour equipped.
The armor we feel we can recommend to you to complete this feat is the one you will get by carrying out Sindri's mission in Niflheim. It is probably the most suitable armor to face this complex battle.
Platinum Trophy

Father and son