Unlock the FAL - Maria's Shop
Unlike the main game's weapon unlock, obtaining the FAL does not require locating a weapon blueprint in one of the countless caches scattered across Auroa. In fact, the only prerequisite is related to Skell credits. Assuming you have a decent supply of Skell Credits, head to Erewhon in Mount Hodgson Province. Once inside the cave hideout, locate Maria's shop in the center of the camp. Interact with Maria, select 'Buy' and navigate to the Build Weapons section. Here you will find a list of plans available for purchase.
With Title Update 3.0 installed, the FAL will now appear in the list. The weapon costs 15 Skell Credits to purchase. If you are running out of in-game currencies, there are several ways to get a decent amount of money in a short period of time, which are listed below:
Unique looters: Notable locations on the map often include a Unique Plunders designation when highlighted. Here you can see how many Skell Credits, if any, are hidden in a given location. Unmarked caches and unique Skell-specific caches award credits, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand.
Missions: For new players, just progressing through missions will award Skell Credits. Enemies encountered along the way also have a chance to drop small packages. Chances are, those who spent time cleaning up the main campaign and the previous two episodes already have some credits in reserve, maybe waiting for a day like today. For Year 1 Pass holders who still need a boost, the objectives pending elimination in Episode 3 award a total of over 20000 Skell Credits after being cleared.
Sell items: If you'd rather not even leave Erewhon to rack up the necessary cash alternative, Maria is more than happy to get rid of any desirable ones. Consumables and excess resources can be eliminated to easily align your virtual wallet.
Nomad's available weapons will quickly expand another slot. The powerful assault rifle can now be used against hostile forces in Auroa. For more Ghost Recon Breakpoint tips, check out our Guides page and expand the game in the right column.