Survival is something you need to think critically about when running around in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. You don't just try to survive the endless onslaught of enemies in the game, you also have to keep your body in check. One essential thing to do to combat fatigue is to drink water. It is a simple task. However, the game doesn't cover it too well. You might find yourself getting more and more tired and unable to do things before he tells you about this survival technique.
How to drink and recharge your canteen in Ghost Recon Breakpoint
The first thing you will need for drinking water is to equip your canteen with your quick access menu for items. To do this, you need to open your main menu and select it from the bottom half of the six slots. If one of the bottom slots is open, you can place it freely in the slot. However, if you have an item in the slot, you must take it out and exchange it with the canteen.
When you've equipped it, open it in the quick access item menu and click "G" or the button for your respective console. It will take a few seconds for your character to perform the animation, but when done, they should no longer be tired of their stamina bar.
You only get a few uses for the item. When you run out, you need to locate a fresh water stream to fill it. You will need to find one that is not in a swamp or near the ocean. You're going to want to find one near a mountain. When you approach the water, you can get down to it and, if you have your canteen in your quick access menu, you can freely fill your item and have all of your uses returned. Finally, you can get a water filter to draw water from a swamp or a