However, Hongyu is a smart man, and he realized early on that it is more efficient to clean discarded Xiao lanterns when people release them. This is where we come in: Hongyu asked us to help him recover some of the abandoned Xiao lanterns scattered around Liyue, which means we're about to teleport, sprint, climb and hover all over Liyue to this course.
Genshin Impact: Where the Light Wanes - Collect lanterns for Hongyu.
Where the Light Fades is conceptually straightforward: Head to each location Hongyu marked on your map and grab the Xiao Lantern there. These locations will deploy one at a time, and once you've gathered all of the Lanterns you'll get some of Genshin Impact's gacha currency, its in-game currency, and some Lantern Rite reputation. Turns out the quest is as easy as it sounds, although you'll have to do some rock climbing, gliding, and fighting to catch all three lanterns.
The first lantern is on Mt. Tianheng, just west of Liyue Port. Use the Sea of Clouds waypoint and look north to spot the Xiao Lantern caught in a tangle of massive tree roots. These are easy to climb - you can climb up the root that is in the dirt below directly to the Xiao Lantern, jumping over the branches blocking your path. Note: If you haven't harvested any ore recently, there is an outcrop of magical and crystalline ore just below the roots, so you can collect Plaustrite shards for your own Xiao Lanterns while you are here.
Don't jump from this root after grabbing the first Xiao Lantern! The second will be marked on your map and it is only a few hundred yards away. Climb up to the seelie statue on the root, then slide to the marked location. Or, if you want to take the Lazy Road, teleport to the Wandering Path realm next door. If you go for the more recent option, you will have to climb the last 70 meters, so you will still need to spend stamina to reach that Where the Light Wanes lantern. Once near the second lantern, you'll notice Hilichurls dancing around it. Kill these enemies, then collect the Xiao Lantern for Hongyu
The third lantern where the light fades is north of your current location, in Jueyun Karst. Take the Statue of the Seven waypoint and walk down to the marked location, or use the waypoint next to the Taishan Mansion Estate to climb there. There is still more Hilichurl near the third lantern, this time attacking an innocent bystander. Lie down and save the man to grab the Xiao Lantern when you're done.
Once you have the third lantern in hand, return to Hongyu to complete Where the Light Wanes. You will earn 30 Primogems, 20000 Mora and 100 Festive Fever for the Lantern Rite event at Genshin Impact for your efforts.