Genshin Impact (resin) daily “stamina” is used for a handful of activities and builds up over time.
In Genshin Impact, there are a few activities limited by the amount of daily "stamina" you have, known as Original Resin in the game. The cap is set at 120, and it can be replenished in a number of ways. First, let's start with what actually consumes resin.
- Leyline outcrops: 20 resin
- Abyssal Domains (Dungeons): 20 Resin
- Hypostasis: 40 resin
- Weekly Bosses: 60 Resin
It should be noted that you can participate in all four of these activities without resin, but you will need them to claim the rewards. In other words, you can always join friends and help them with their tasks if you run out of time for the day; you'll just miss the loot at the end. However, the resin isn't too difficult to replenish, although it can cost a few coins if you're keen on maximizing your earnings.
First and foremost, your daily "stamina" / resin is replenished over time, just like with other gachas. The rate is, so it is not the fastest rate. You will never exceed the cap of 120, so there is no banking resin as a catch-up mechanism. You can also refill your resin with one of the two items. Brittle Resin will give you 60 Original Resin when used, but these items are rare. Additionally, you can use Primogems to collect 60 resin six times a day, but the price goes up each time. The prices are . Primogems are generously earned in-game, but this is technically the premium currency used to purchase Fates for Wish draws, so if you're looking for a 5-star character, you'll want to balance your grind with your draws.
That said, there's still a lot to do in Genshin Impact that doesn't require resin, so you're not left out of the game if you run out of it. Your final grind may slow down a bit, but it's a huge world full of activities, so why not go on an adventure?