During the event, Albedo's story quest “Princeps Cretaceus Chapter” can be unlocked at Adventure Rank 20. It must be completed to access the The Chalk Prince and the Dragon event; Once the event ends on January 5, 2021, the quest will require Adventure Rank 40 and a Story Key to unlock. The event itself will feature four acts, each of which becomes accessible on a set date. Act I opens with the event on December 22, Act II on December 25, Act 3 on December 28 and Act IV on December 31.
The main reward attached to The Chalk Prince and the Dragon is Festive Desire, a powerful sword that is enhanced with items earned during the event. Some items are locked behind explicit acts, though Frostworn Shards and Frostworn Crystals are available as soon as you unlock the event. All activities take place in the new Dragonspine area, and area-specific powers for Festive Desire will only work there. Once the event is over, these powers will be removed. Upgrading Festive Desire will give you weapon ascension materials, so even if you don't care about area bonuses, the extra weapon upgrade materials are worth it.
Full details of the Chalk Prince and Dragon event are listed below along with US server times.
Event Details The Chalk Prince and the Dragon.
Duration of the event
- Event play time: after version 1.2 update - 05/01/2021 03:59:59
- Event Store Duration: After Update to Version 1.2 - 2021/01/12 03:59:59
- Reach Adventure Rank 20 or higher.
- And finish the Prologue: Act II “For a tearless tomorrow”.
Preliminary story quest
- Complete Albedo's story quest "Princeps Cretaceus Chapter" to unlock the "The Chalk Prince and the Dragon" event.
- During the event, the “Princeps Cretaceus Chapter” will not require a story key to unlock.
- Opening time of the “Princeps Cretaceus Chapter”: after the version 1.2 update
- "Princeps Cretaceus Chapter" unlock criteria: adventure rank 20 or higher
- Upon completion of the event, the “Princeps Cretaceus Chapter” story quest will require Adventure Rank 40 or higher, completion of Prologue: Act II “For a Tearless Tomorrow” and an unlockable story key. .
The Chalk Prince and the Dragon: Act I
- Opening time: after updating to version 1.2
- Travelers can complete the “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon” scenario to obtain the event-exclusive Festering Desire weapon.
- Once the Dragonspine area is unlocked, Travelers can find Frostworn Shards and Frostworn Crystals in Dragonspine.
- After opening Act I, collect Frostworn Shards, Frostworn Crystals, and complete related quests to get Primogems, Mora, and other rewards.
- Upgrade the Festive Desire to get Weapon Ascension gear and other rewards.
- Once the event is over, exploration will no longer produce Frostworn Shards or Frostworn Crystals, and quest materials in your inventory will disappear.
- Frostworn Shards and Frostworn Crystals are event exclusive items and will disappear after 06/01/2021 03:59 AM.
The Chalk Prince and the Dragon: Act II
- Opening time: 2020/12/25 04:00:00
- After Act II opens, travelers can get Sparkling Gasoline through the proving grounds challenge.
The Chalk Prince and the Dragon: Act III
- Opening time: 2020/12/28 04:00:00
- After Act III opens, travelers can get Hot Essence through the Dragon Pilgrimage Challenge.
The chalk prince and the dragon: act IV
- Opening time: 2020/12/31 04:00:00
- After Act IV opens, Travelers can get Miraculous Essence through the Miracle Frostborn challenge.
Event details
- Shimmering Essence, Hot Essence, and Miraculous Essence can be redeemed for rewards in the Event Shop.
- Completing all of the quests in each of the first three acts will unlock one of Festering Desire's special abilities each time.
- During the event, weapon special effects will only take effect in the Dragonspine area of the open world and will not take effect in areas.
- Improving Festive Desire during the event period earns bonus Weapon Upgrade EXP.
- The amount of essence gained from challenges will change based on global traveler levels.