Frostborn Miracle Resurgent Cryo Regisvine Boss Guide
The Frostborn Miracle Resurgent Cryo Regisvine in Genshin Impact has a good variety of attacks, and the majority will almost kill you or kill you entirely. That said, if you actually play the mechanics, you'll find the combat to be pretty darn easy. The Frostborn Resurgent Cryo Regisvine fight features cooperative matchmaking similar to Domains, and it is recommended that someone bring a healer (Qiqi is great for this fight; Barbara… not so much). Having a powerful Pyro character or two is also recommended (if you're playing solo, I definitely recommend Amber, as she can sit away from most mechanics and damage the core with charged hits).
The fight opens with the Resurgent Regisvine in an ice shield, and ice will appear. You will have 10 minutes to complete the fight, so you might feel the need to rush. DO NOT attack the slimes immediately, as the Regisvine will launch ice cubes around the arena which will spawn at you and your teammates. Stacking a slime out of the door will cause wiping due to this mechanism. Instead, run away from each other until all the ice cubes have exploded. Kill the slimes to spawn a scarlet quartz, then use it to shatter one of the three frost crystals that hold the shield together. There will also be some cryo whopperflowers, but you should focus on the slimes and the shield.
Once the shield is lowered, it will remain so, although there is still a lot to be avoided. The Regisvine will have an ice core like the regular Cyro Regisvine, so smash it to stun it and make it vulnerable to attack. When attacking this core, watch out for its slam and laser attacks. He will shake looking up before a snap, and his arms will swing towards the lasers. These can be dodged. Additionally, the Scarlet Quartz will appear throughout the fight: catch them to avoid Sheer Cold, to deal bonus damage, and to complete the event objective "Hit the Regisvin with 10 Quartz".
After shattering the ice core and knocking out the Resurgent Cryo Regisvine once he gets up and spins in a small circle around himself. Dodge to avoid the attack. Next, Ice Crystals will appear near the Heated Ruin Braziers, and they will be marked. These DOIT be shattered immediately, because the Regisvin is about to "release all her energy." This will cover the entire arena in deadly freezing and anyone who is not in the bubble generated by the shattered ice crystal will die. THAT IS TO SAY. Rush to smash it and stay in the bubble until the attack wears off.
After knocking out the resurgent Cyro Regisvine a second time, it will stop performing this attack and summon Cryo Flowers instead. Keep an eye out for the Icicle Attack from the start of the fight and stay sprawled around the Resurgent Cryo Regisvine to avoid a wipe down. The fight will repeat from here if you don't kill him, but most games should kill Cyro Regisvine from Frostborn Miracle Resurgent at this point.
Once the Regisvine is down, you will be teleported outside the arena next to the chest with your Miraculous Essence inside. If you are in a party, you can return to the event marker and queue for another turn (Genshin Impact has a combat ready control). You can fight the Resurgent Regisvine as many times as you want before the event ends, which I recommend you do to clear the Chalk Dragon and Prince event store of all of its goodies. There are 9 of each blue level talent book available, on top of a talent crown, Mora, and a few Wits.