Gears 5 The developers, The Coalition, take a different approach to their third-person shooter. Instead of making it a simple adventure, they add an element of RPG skills, passives, and even decisions. During the Gears 5 campaign, you will have to choose to save one person over another. For those who don't wish to have spoilers for the end of the game, you want to avoid reading any further. However, if you've already made up your mind and want to know about the different choices, keep reading to find out more.
Who to save in Gears 5
Again, anything beyond this point is a spoiler. Read on at your own risk.
The two choices
At the end of the game, you will have to choose JD or Del. Other important reactions in the game are going to have reactions for the dead. Here's what happens when you make your choice.
Save Del
If you choose to save Del, JD's neck will break. He falls to the ground and disappears, but not before Del can grab his name tags. Soon after, Marcus goes to ask where JD is, where Kait reacts by giving Marcus, his dog, reluctant and emotionally broken. Marcus has an emotional moment when he accepts the truth, becoming cold and calm. When Felix Fahz arrives he will ask where JD is and everyone's silent response was all he needed to hear. When Marcus gets in the car, he becomes distant and aggressive, hinting at the emotional reactions he will have in the next game.
Save JD
If you choose the backup JD, so will Del in what would have happened to JD. Before Del's body falls into the abyss, JD goes to grab his name tags. When Marcus asks where Del is, JD goes to turn away from the group while Kait hands out Marcus Del's name tags. Marcus goes to consult JD, initially hostile but who opens up to his father shortly after. The two hugs, alluding to JD in the next game, might get a bit colder. However, he is going to have his father around to help him treat him. When Felix arrives this time, he's going to make a comment to Del and ask him where his mate is. The other characters will remain silent, as Marcus shakes his head. Felix is heartbroken and returns to the driver's seat.
Future games
Those two picks could have some critical decisions in the next game. Because this is the first time an RPG choice has presented itself to the Armaments of War games, we're not sure exactly what the effects will be in the next series. Given the character's initial reactions when Marcus received the IDs of whoever was killed, gives little clues as to how things are going to play out as the series progresses. There is no clear and correct decision to be made between the two options.