What's in the Daily Items Store today? 17/01/20
Fortnite's Daily Item Shop updates daily as you go, allowing you to purchase new items with your V-Bucks. Sometimes these are elements that come back into the mix for the day, while others are introduced for the first time for that day.
The Item Shop is split into two distinct categories, Featured and Daily, both of which we'll feature and update here. The following items are available as Featured and Daily items in Fortnite for January 17, 2020.
Featured articles
Ninja (Icon series skin) - 1500
Dual Katanas (Icon Series Harvesting Tool) - 800
Style Ninja (Emote Icon Series) – 300
Nitebeam (Epic Skin) – 1500
Flare (Epic Skin) – 1500
Red jade (common skin) - 800
Megabat (rare glider) - 800
Shattered Light (Rare Gathering Tool) - 800
Living Ax (Common Gathering Tool) - 500
Daily Articles
Survival Specialist (Rare Skin) - 1200
Raider trench coat (rare skin) - 1200
Sun Sprout (Common Back Bling) – 200
Fandangle (rare émote) - 500
Infinite Dab (Rote Emote) – 500
* C'mere (Emote commune) - 200
* indicates a new article
So you can follow up on other items to see what you might have missed earlier this week, here's a look at the store inventory from previous days as well.
Featured articles
* Ninja (Icon series skin) - 1500
* Double Katanas (Icon Series Harvesting Tool) - 800
Bull shark (rare skin) - 1200
Sharky Shallows (Rare Animation Wrap) - 500
Underbite (Common Harvesting Tool) - 500
Daily Articles
* Style Ninja (Emote Icon Series) – 300
Mayhem (rare skin) - 800
Renegade (common skin) - 800
Smooth Moves (Epic Emote) - 800
Ground Book (Common Emote) - 200
Plunja (Rare Gathering Tool) - 800
Featured articles
Zero (legendary skin) - 2000
* Bull Shark (rare skin) - 1200
Sandstorm (rare skin - selectable styles) - 1200
Scimitar (rare skin - selectable styles) - 1200
Zero Point (Rare Animation Wrap) – 500
Emblem (rare animation skin) - 500
Chrono (Rare Contrail) – 400
* Underbite (Common Harvesting Tool) – 500
Daily Articles
Starfish (Epic Skin) - 1500
Longshot (rare skin) - 1200
Man O'War (Epic Glider) - 1
* Sharky Shallows (rare animation wrap) - 500
Buffer (Rare Emote) - 500
Finger Wag (Emote commune) – 200
Featured articles
Oppressor (Legendary Skin) - 2000
Overrun (Epic Skin) - 1500
Whiteout (Epic Skin) – 1500
Flapjackie (Epic Skin) – 1500
Growler (Epic Skin) – 1500
Tilted Fire (Rare Envelope) - 500
White Squall (Epic Glider) - 1200
Cyclone (Epic Glider) - 1200
Poofy Parasail (Rare Glider) - 800
Plasmatic Edge (Rare Gathering Tool) - 800
Jackspammer (Common Harvesting Tool) - 500
Daily Articles
Rapscallion (Epic Skin) – 1500
Toxic Tagger (Rare Skin) - 1200
Square (rare envelope) - 500
Windmill Thread (Rare Emote) - 500
Lazy Shuffle (Rare Emote) - 500
Criss Cross (Rare Emote) – 500