The Brutus Briefing Week 2 challenges leaked for Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2. How we get the Battle Pass skins is a little different this season, as each skin has two sets of 10 challenges associated with it, spanning one two week period. To get the skin you have to rank your Battle Pass like you always do, but completing 18 of the challenges, then completing a specific secret challenge, will also give you a new style for the skin.
You'll have to choose between the Ghost and Shadow styles, your choice being permanent, although at this time we don't know if which choice you make will actually matter.
The week 2 challenges for Brutus' briefing are listed below. They have been datamined by noted Fortnite leaker FortTory.
- Find houses protected from shadows (0/1)
- Hide in Secret Passages in different matches (0/3)
- Eliminate players with a shotgun (0/3)
- Carry an opponent struck to 50m (0/50)
- Deal damage to players below (0/250)
- Open safes locked by an identification scanner (0/3)
- Shakedown Knocked Henchmen in various matches (0/3)
- Eliminate players at Craggy Cliffs or Weeping Woods (0/3)
- Deal damage with shotguns to players in the air (0/200)
- Havest 500 wood, 400 stone and 300 metal (0/3)
As soon as the challenges go live in-game, which will be next Thursday, we'll have full guides for anything you might need help with.
We have lots of other helpful guides that you may find useful. How to get Deadpool, where to find Deadpool's letter to Epic Games, how to deal damage to henchmen, and how to customize your new Maya skin which you can get with the Battle Pass.