We all saw the arrival of the black hole as the biggest of the many small changes that Eipc Games had in mind for his Fortnite , but very few of us could imagine a change of such magnitude within one of the most rooted video games currently out there. With the end of the astrophysical event, Epic Games has renewed all the cards on the table bringing a kind of sequel to Fortnite Royal Battle called Fortnite Chapter 2, version of the title that will make us company (presumably) for the next ten seasons of the game or until the release of the title from the limbo of early access (because Fortnite still in early access).
What do we have with this new chapter two within the title?
We have a myriad of new things that we have more or less covered in a macro guide, we can talk about the fishing rods and their ability to turn a game on itself based on the luck of the player, we can talk about the renewed set of weapons within the title that turn the lucky challenges of recent seasons in a series of clashes much more reasoned, we can talk about the speedboats and the possibility of swimming, true novelty of the title and driving force of new ways of playing.
Why not talk about the new map?
Full of places yet to visit and secrets yet to be discovered, full of many small news that will end up changing the way of playing of the most experienced players, this time with less chance of skybuilding, less chance of doing something else, more need for precision. The addition of historical places, named places and old challenges will be back in today's guide, dedicated to all the challenges of the first season of the title.
What are we talking about here?
Let's go see how you complete the new world challenges!
Fortnite chapter 2 - creative curse challenges guide
This series of challenges will ask the player to complete certain objectives within a series of custom modes that will be added to the game during this week's course.
These are the modalities that will appear during the course of the week:
Thrill bullets
Bridle Bullets is a limited time mode for pairs of players. The challenges, divided into five rounds, involve these player pairs colliding within a location where no objects can be built or destroyed. Both players will have an identical and limited set of weapons and resources, including cures, offensive weapons and useful items from the warehouse and the game itself. If pairs of players survive for more than a certain amount of time, they will find themselves having to get close to each other due to the storm's circle. The first team to win 4 rounds wins.
This mode has not yet been released by Epic Games, the article will be updated as soon as you have new information about the mode.
Mansion Of Power
This mode is literally an all against all with a particular twist. The first player able to make five consecutive eliminations wins; to this must be added the possibility to steal life points from your opponents through a particular weapon.
This mode is a limited time player versus environement (PVE) mode in which the player is asked to face ten different waves of zombies to slaughter in order to obtain resources to use them in order to purchase survival items. This mode played with friends offers the player a great amount of fun similar to what you can experience while playing Fortnite Save The World. When you start this mode you will find yourself eliminating zombies in order to obtain resources; these will be the currency of exchange necessary to obtain better weapons with which to massacre more zombies. By eliminating undead opponents you will be able to gain shield and health and continue to dominate the battlefield. By fighting you will also be able to see the arrival of the vending machines, which you can keep an eye out for valuable ammunition when you need it.
Play various islands in evidence of creative curse or shivering bullets
This challenge asks the player to play different game maps within the Creative Curse Challenge mode. To complete this challenge in essence you'll simply have to play the above mentioned mode continuously, taking care to stay within the game mode until the end of the game for defeat or victory it is; in this way the counter will not be reset and within a few tens of minutes you will complete the challenge.
The prize for completing this challenge is the spray spreading chaos.
Eliminate fairs in Punishment
This challenge asks the player to eliminate two hundred fairs by playing the Punishment mode. Since one of the cores of the punishment mode besides survival is obtaining resources through the slaughter of beasts and other monsters, this challenge will be particularly clear to the player right from the start. Grab your best weapons, gather as many resources as you can and start to get to work by slaughtering as many opponents as possible within each game in order to complete the challenge as quickly as possible.
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
Absorb health or shield from player eliminations within Mansion Of Power mode.
This challenge asks the player to absorb shield or health by eliminating opponents within the mansion of power mode. In this mode, after each kill, the player will end up getting a resource between shield and health that will be added to the pool already in possession. Considering that to win a game in this mode you'll need to make five kills in a row, all you have to do is roll up your sleeves and get to work in order to complete the challenge and move on to the next one.
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
Eliminate seven opponents in thrill bullet mode.
This challenge is very simple and simply asks the player to knock down seven opponents in the Thrill Bullets mode. Considering that in this mode it is literally mandatory to perform kills in order to move forward, you will come to the conclusion that sooner or later, due to inertia, this challenge will end up ending automatically. Remember that by exiting using the main menu will invalidate the conclusion of the challenge, ruining all your work.
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
Collect 15 pumpkin tokens from any of the islands in the game.
Stay with us to find out how best to complete this challenge; at the moment we only know the prize you will receive after completion.
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
Collect five hundred resources in Punishment.
This challenge will ask the player to collect five hundred units of resources by playing the Punishment mode. In this mode, resources are obtained by taking down undead enemies, which is why the player will simply have to play as normal as possible to accumulate resources and use them to upgrade their weapons. It may take a couple of games to accumulate 500 resources, so be patient and play with fun in mind.
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
Eliminate ten players in Mansion Of Power mode
This challenge asks the player to make ten kills while playing the Mansion Of Power mode. The mode in question, described above with plenty of detail, gives the player the chance to progressively regenerate by making kills and bringing home the scalps of enemies, which is why even here you simply need patience to try to finish the challenge. Remember that leaving the main menu risks invalidating the completion of the challenge, which is why it is mandatory to reach the natural conclusion of the competition.
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
You inflict five hundred damage to your opponents using only assault rifles within the thrill bullet mode.
This challenge asks the player to inflict a large amount of damage to opponents using only any of the weapons in the assault rifle category. Assault rifles are very strong weapons in virtually all game situations due to their versatility, and in medium to short range battles with thrill bullets are always a good choice to make. These weapons are randomly given to players at the start of the game, which is why you may need time to complete this challenge as you cannot control your equipment.
Inflict one hundred thousand damage to the demons on any of the various islands in evidence.
Stay with us to find out how best to complete this challenge; at the moment we only know the prize you will receive after completion.
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
Purchase three items from vending machines within the punishment mode.
This challenge asks the player to go crazy spending resources to buy items within the pay mode. These items are usually useful for the game, such as additional ammunition for your weapons, which is why you'll find yourself naturally completing this challenge without outside help. Just play the game and remember to concentrate your efforts on having as many war resources as possible to complete the challenge; hives won't leave the game location alone!
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
Bounce on the spectral vents inside the Mansion Of Power mode
This challenge asks the player to bounce on the ghostly air vents within the Mansion Of Power mode map. To complete this challenge will simply need to explore the map and use these air vents wisely, which will give an important boost in jump height to your character, useful to escape from opponents or to get some advantage position; in a few games this challenge will be completed without even too much thought, especially if you have a not particularly aggressive style of play.
The prize for completing this challenge is 25,000 experience points.
Inflict three hundred damage to opponents in thrill-bullet mode using only pistols or sniper rifles.
This challenge asks the player to inflict a significant amount of damage to opponents using only any of the weapons in the pistol or sniper rifle category. Sniper rifles in complete solitude may cause the player to complete this challenge due to the high amount of damage they inflict shotgun per shot while pistols may be more problematic in this respect. The pistols are certainly more versatile weapons within the mode, given the particular shape of the map.
- Reward: 25,000 XP
Eliminate four basic demons.
This challenge asks the player to shoot down four different base demons. To do so, you are advised to play in punishment mode where, from round to round, you will increase your chances of encountering one and subsequently completing the challenge.
Get the final boss's pumpkin inside the Infernum highlight island.
Stay with us to find out how best to complete this challenge; at the moment we only know the prize you will get after completion.
The prize for completing this challenge is the Back Board Teef Style.
Complete all the quests regarding the punishment mode.
To complete this challenge you will simply need to complete all the challenges that somehow relate to the punishment mode. With the guidance we've given you above it will more than certainly be a kid's joke.
The prize for completing this challenge is the Back Board Ghoul Trooper style.
Complete all quests related to the Mansion Of Power mode.
To complete this challenge it will simply be necessary to complete all the challenges that somehow relate to the mansion of power mode. With the guidance we've given you above it will more than certainly be a kid's joke.
The prize for completing this challenge is the Back Board Chaos Agent style.
Complete all the quests regarding thrill bullet mode.
To complete this challenge you will simply need to complete all the challenges that somehow relate to the thrill bullets mode. With the directions we've given you above it will more than certainly be a kid's joke.
The prize for completing this challenge is the Back Board Phantom Style
Complete all creative curse challenges
In order to complete this challenge it will simply be necessary to complete all the creative curse challenges, which, having read the guide to this point, will surely be easier than facing them alone.
The prize for completing this challenge is the Back Board Skull Trooper style.
If you also have problems with the wonderful world, Fortnite consult the guides we have created for you and your problems.
The guides are divided into two macro scripts, those related to the weekly challenges that Epic Games offers players through the battle pass (no generic challenges for now) and a series of encyclopaedia guides with all the relevant information if someone wants to have tips and tricks on how to better use weapons or where to land!