From GamersLance, we want to explain the Complete Guide to Fire Emblem Three Houses Classes. Surely in the game you have already seen some items you need to fight, such as an Axe, Sword, Bow, Spear... And then, there are other concepts that you should know like Magic, Rider or Knight. On the other hand, what matters most in this game is the Social Class, so you can advance with your character. If you want to know more, stay and read it!
Fire Emblem Three Houses has a limited number of classes compared to the past, but the ability to change them on the fly before a fight without losing experience or skill is particularly nice for both newcomers and old fans.
In addition to the classic classes divided into beginner, intermediate, advanced and master, there are some unique classes for certain characters that do not appear in the normal certification scheme and can only be unlocked by advancing through Fire Emblem's story.
Some of these classes will unlock automatically, while others will have to perform certain tasks or make certain decisions to get them. Let's see it now.
Secret class: Dancer
A classic of any Fire Emblem: the Dancer is a support class capable of performing a dance to restore a partner's turn and allow him to perform an additional action. It offers us versatility to be able to change our strategies and also to change mistakes without having to use Divine Pulse.
To get the Dancer class you will have to wait a while until you reach chapter 9 and participate in the awaited White Heron Dance, which is held every year in the Academy during the Ethereal Moon (the twelfth month, the game starts in the fourth month). Each house will have to choose a representative who will dance before a jury of teachers, who will crown the most graceful dancer with a trophy and a certification of the Dancer class. You will have to go to the monastery on the first Sunday of the month and where there is a red thing, that is where you will be notified of the dance contest.
This class is a losable one, so you will have to plan the process well. If you lose the contest you will not be able to unlock this class ever again.
To win the challenge, the Dancer must have a Charisma at least greater than 13. A good way to level up the Charisma of the characters is to invite them to tea and successfully answer the various questions and topics of conversation. Alternatively, there are consumable items to improve characteristics that can be grown in the greenhouse. The teacher, Manuela, can help you improve the dancer's charisma with a dance lesson for the modest amount of one activity point during a Sunday exploration.
Once you have obtained the Dancer class you can change it at any time, but it will only be available to the winner of the White Heron.
One thing to note about this game is that it is the first of the saga where your choice will not be limited by the sex of the character.
Secret Class: Armored Lord (Edelgard only)
After the five-year jump that will take place in the Lonely Moon, we will notice how some of our inexperienced students have changed class and have become more experienced in the art of war. One of them is Edelgard, who has become an Armored Lord.
This class, unique to the leader of the Black Eagles, is an evolution of the Lord available only to House leaders and consists of a tank/DPS with high Axe, Commando and Armor skills. In addition Edelgard will be equipped with Aymr, a relic of the Ten Heroes.
As a skill, he possesses charm (neighboring allies get +3 damage) and ground resistance (immunity to ground damage). Once the class mastery is obtained, a skill that gives +4 to Charisma and Fortune will be unlocked.
Secret class: Emperor (Edelgard only)
The Emperor class is the evolution of theArmored Lord and can only be obtained in the Third Month of the Crimson Flower route if during the Route of the White Clouds we accompany Edelgard to the imperial capital to inherit the throne. Like the previous Class, he has incredible defensive parameters and excellent Axe, Command and Armor skills.
The Emperor gains the same abilities as the Armor Lord, but once the Class Mastery is obtained he will unlock the Blinking Flower, a Combat Art that prevents the enemy from moving.
Secret Class: High Lord (Dimitri only)
Class that Dimitri can obtain automatically after the five-year jump.
This class, unique to the Blue Lion leader, is the equivalent of the Lord of Armor, but focuses on the Spear, Sword and Command skills. He shares the Enchanting Skill and the +4 unlock to Charisma and Fortune, but as a second skill he gains Lancefaire, which grants a +5 to Attack with a Spear.
In addition to this, Dimitri will also get Areadbhar, a legendary spear and one of the relics of the ten heroes.
Secret class: Great Lord (Dimitri only)

The class is automatically obtained by Dimitri during the Blue Moon route and the Great Lord evolution.
It has the same abilities as its lower counterpart, but with a significant increase in attack stats and a new Combat Art that can be unlocked with the Class Mastery called Paraselene, which allows Dimitri to launch a powerful close attack and then retreat one square.
Secret Class: Wywern Master
Class automatically obtained by Claude after a five-year jump.
The certification is unique to the leader of the Golden Stag and is the equivalent of the other two, with the difference that it provides Cloud with a flying Viverna that allows him to move after certain actions and is more focused on the Speed and Dexterity parameters and the Bow, Command and Flight Skills.
She has the Charme and Bowfire skill, which increases the Attack parameter by 5 while using the Bow. Claude will also inherit the Infallible, a legendary bow and one of the Relics of the Ten Heroes.
Secret class: Redbeard
Class obtained automatically by Claude during the Green Wind route.
The final certification for Claude is that it improves Master Wywern, with an increase in Dexterity and Speed parameters. With the completion of the class mastery will unlock the Combat Art Divine Wind, a powerful attack at sidereal distances.
Secret Class: Sage
The Secret Class certification for the Protagonist, which will automatically unlock this very powerful hybrid class after joining Sothis on the Pegasus Moon (Second Month).
The Skilled allows you to make the best use of both spells and swords or gauntlets of weapons, with a bonus to their respective skills of +3 in addition to Command. If you haven't instructed your protagonist in Reason and Faith now is the perfect time, as he will quickly become a multi-purpose war machine capable of healing the wounded in an instant and destroying every opponent with magic and bladed weapons.
The Knowledge Class gives access to Sword Skills, which gives +5 to Attack if you use a sword, and Terrain Resistance, which cancels any malus or damage due to Terrain. With Class Mastery you will unlock the Holy Power skill, which will give adjacent allies +3 additional damage and receive 3 less damage passively.