Cinder Drift – Ruby Weapon Extreme Phase 1: Attaques
Ruby Weapon brings her full arsenal to Cinder Drift Extreme combat, all with a few more tweaks. I'm going to break down the general abilities first before going into the specifics, so feel free to move on if you already know what it all does.
To start, stay, which is a raid scale magical attack that's there to make the healers sweat. is the tank destroyer that hits the main tank with a Blunt Resistance Down debuff, so the tank change after each will be mandatory.
will appear in the arena (four at a time) and shoot the AoEs () line at random targets - much like traditional Ultima.
again sees Ruby piercing her claws into the ground, and he will perform,, or a special which is followed by (more details below) determined by where you are in the fight. Look for the claws digging into the center of the arena if you missed the cast.
works the same as in Normal: it will spawn three AoEs that follow the arched yellow line coming from each, and is best avoided by standing at the edge between two of the AoEs, where the AoEs will circle around you and away from you. This attack triggers twice, so don't run to the center after the first three deployments.
will see the ruby weapon create cracks in the arena that separate in the cardinal and inter-cardinal directions. Ruby will have an AoE around her hitbox during this attack, and will do a massive AoE at the end of each crack. The trick is to see which ones are long and which ones are short: the empty space behind a short crack is a safe space as long as you hug the wall, just like the middle of a long crack (away from the end of a short crack). If you are not sure, keep an eye on the ground: it will sparkle with orange cracks and a bright spark will trace the cracks in the ground: the attack will be triggered where the sparks end and the cracks are the most brilliant.
and operate in a similar concept to their normal counterparts. Go up on the cracks when quicksand appears during and go down if is poured. will kill you after six seconds if you don't reach dry ground, and cause damage and burn you. The biggest difference here is that you stay awhile, segmenting the arena. There is a special phase without cracks, but it works in tandem with the mechanic.
follows, and it will drop three small, persistent AoEs on everyone. These AoEs last around 15 seconds and will explode if anyone ventures into one. Player positioning is essential.
is like Normal Charge where Ruby walked through the arena, but now you have to face and a cleavage. You will start this attack in the center of the arena, where is not present and avoid three dashes. After that, Ruby will extend the claws of a hand that will strike anyone caught on that side of their body. Following the first dash with its claws will swap from the outside of the arena to the inside, requiring a quick sprint to the outside edge of the arena, while avoiding the dash and Ruby's cleavage. There will be arrows on the ground to indicate Ruby's path, and an icon for her claw and quicksand swap on an arrow each.
sees Ruby rushing to a cardinal point and throwing an AoE beo around it (i.e. the safe space is in Ruby's hitbox). Fall into Ruby's position when this happens. Paired with battery
come in two flavors: stack or divide. If it's the stack variant, healers will be targeted, and everyone must stack on a marker (preferably four players per, including the target) in Ruby's hitbox. Split will see AoE markers above everyone's skulls, so spread out to avoid crashing. The sharing phase occurs alongside.
has Ruby slashing the center of the arena from end to end, and her attacking arc is directly in front and to the side in a large cone. Standing parallel to his path while hugging the wall will see you through and make sure you don't run into other players. This will be followed by two, which are room-scale AoEs that you need to get away from - falling back to where Ruby started is optimal.
is a big blasted AoE conal AoE in front of Ruby Weapon, so go behind or to its sides.
Cinder Drift – Ruby Weapon Extreme Phase 1: Stratégie
So let's break down these attacks into a reasonable timeline:
- Optimized Ultima
- Mors Magitek
- Flexiclaw, Magitek Ray
- Helicoclaw and Magitek Ray, twice
- Magitek Ray
- Stamps
- Flexiclaw
- Ravensclaw
- Undermine or liquefy
- Ruby sphere
- Ruby Ray
- Optimized Ultima
- Flexiclaw
- Liquefaction and Ravensflight
- Optimized Ultima
- Stamps
- Ruby Dynamics et stack Homing Lasers
- Cut and run with distributed homing lasers
- Charge Magitek
- Ruby Ray
- Optimized Ultima
- Flexiclaw
- Ravensclaw
- Undermine or liquefy
- Ruby sphere
- Ruby Ray
- Optimized Ultima
- Enrage (Slow-launch Optimized Ultima that will proc no matter what, once below 5% health and other attacks, resolves.)
Let's move on to Ruby Weapon Extreme's current strategy for Phase 1. To start, mark the arena with 8 waypoints in each of the cardinal and inter-cardinal directions and assign them to a player. Preferably, keep the tanks north and the healers spread out between the eastern and western edges to make sure no one is out of range of healing. These waypoints will help your team manage the Ruby Sphere areas of interest during Ravensclaw and sides for Cut and Run (these will also be needed for Phase 2).
At first, your team should tone down Optimized Ultima before the pullover. Once the fight begins, prepare to dodge a round of Magitek Ray as Ruby casts Flexiclaw, which will be immediately followed by Helicoclaw. This attack will trigger twice, in addition to two additional Magitek Ray turns. Embrace the edge where two of the AoE Helicoclaw intersect closest to your assigned waypoint and be ready to dodge Magitek Ray's first turn before backing up to avoid the second wave of AoE Helicoclaw. Avoid a third round of Magitek Ray, then get behind Ruby unless you're a tank.
Ruby will cast the stamp and the tanks will have to change. Ravensclaw will follow a fast Flexiclaw, so everyone will need to head to their assigned waypoint when Flexiclaw spawns. From there, observe the cracks that spring out of the earth and do not stand in the middle. If you are on a long crack, stand in the center. If you are on a small crack, tighten the wall directly behind. After the AoE is extinguished, be careful that the Liquefaction or Undermine kicks in. You will need to manage three ruby spheres during either one, and to do so you will need to:
- Undermine - Come out of the cracks and stand at your waypoint in a safe area near the wall. There should only be two players per safe zone. Drop your first AoE then step forward just enough to get out of range. Drop the second AoE and repeat for the third, while working toward the center of Ruby's hitbox without blocking someone else's path or venturing into an abandoned Ruby sphere. Do not overlap the spheres.
- Liquefaction - Stand on the crack pointing to your waypoint at the farthest point it reaches. Slowly move forward following the path of your crack, dropping the ruby spheres behind you as you move toward the center of Ruby's hitbox. Also, don't overlap the spheres here.
Next, Ruby will cast Ruby Ray, so get behind the boss to avoid the attack, avoiding the lingering Ruby spheres. At this point, Ruby will launch an Optimized Ultima, followed by a Flexiclaw which will lead to Liquefaction / Ravensclaw. Everyone should stack in the center. Ruby will attach to the north edge of the arena. Arrows will appear on the ground and the first dash will end in the center of the arena. Head to the southern edge of the safe zone to avoid this dash. Ruby will then dash from the center to the outer edge, then to the claw marker. Look at which claw it extends: this is the side you should avoid.
Ruby will rush to the center again, so go to the side of the safe zone that the claw is not facing. Ruby will swap the quicksand at this point, and you and your team must now rush out of the arena on the side the claw is not facing on its last run. Use the waypoints to call the safe place anyone can sprint. This visual representation by Lyra Rose will give you a better idea of how it works.
Ravensclaw will be followed by an Optimized Ultima and a Stamp, in order to mitigate and heal through the Ultima, and change tanks after Stamp. Afterwards, Ruby will rush in a random cardinal direction for Ruby Dynamics. Everyone needs to collapse on the boss to avoid the AoE and to mitigate the stack version of the Homing lasers. Have everyone stack with the assigned players to their side of the map. Once the Homing lasers go, Ruby sets up Cut and Run, so everyone needs to split up to the left or right of the boss, depending on which side they started the fight on. Laser on another player, but make sure you hug the outside wall as close to the middle as possible (get as much distance between you and Ruby as possible).
Once Cut and Run is complete, fall back to the side where Ruby ended the attack or started reducing damage received from room-wide AoE Magitek Charge. Dodge the Ruby Ray that follows and have the healers complete everyone for Optimized Ultima. Ruby will relaunch Ravensclaw, so go back to your waypoint and locate the determined safe space if you have a long crack or a short one. Liquefaction or Undermine will follow - whichever didn't trigger during the first Ravensclaw - so follow the advice required from the first Ravensclaw above. Remember to drop ruby spheres while working towards the center and don't drop them on anyone else.
Ruby will cast another Ruby Ray and Optimized Ultima before going into a rage, or immediately enraged if he is below 5% health. Ruby will cast a slower Optimized Ultima which will wipe out the party if it goes dark, so burn the boss down as quickly as possible.
Congratulations on completing Phase 1 of Cinder Drift: Ruby Weapon Extreme, but there is still a phase to go. Have a drink and follow me through part two of this guide series, where I will detail how to beat the Nael van Darnus part of combat.