How to beat Hell House
Just when you thought you had come out of the woods of Wall Market Colosseum with the third and final supposed battle, the game kicks a curve at you with the toughest fight in the game at this point and easily one of the toughest in the game. Hell House. Without this strategy, you would need the Materia Rating to know what to do against Hell House. Personally, I didn't have Evaluate at the time and although I managed to beat Hell House in one go, it took me over 30 minutes just by attacking on a regular basis. You definitely don't want to have to, so follow this strategy.
Hell House has several phases to contend with, the first one being fairly straightforward. Essentially, you want to fight with Cloud and Aerith both having as many Magic Materia equipped as you can. In particular, you really need Fire, Thunder, Ice, and Aero, with the higher level of Materia for each, the better.
In this first phase, you want to watch the Hell House windows on the side, as this will tell you what item the house is currently and give you a hint on which weakness to use at that time. Essentially, when the windows are white use Fire magic, if they are red use Ice magic, if they are green use Thunder magic and if they are yellow use Aero magic. Also feel free to mix up regular attacks and abilities, in an effort to try to shift Hell House. Just dodge one of his attacks this round and you should be fine.
This second phase will start by throwing chairs at you, so dodge them all and pursue the same strategy as before with the elements and windows. Hell house is more dangerous now, as it can become invulnerable for periods of time and suck you into it, so be extra careful. Hell House will do this for a while, so just keep attacking and stay alive.
Eventually, Hell House will take to the air later in the fight and start firing more dodge projectiles at you, while trying to bombard you. What you want to do is watch out when you have an open window and attack Hell House with the correct item here to prevent that from happening and flush and repeat the above strategy when back at ground level for finally eliminate this monstrosity.