We need to talk about the Hell House. Originally just a completely inexplicable foe, the remake upgrades Hell's House into a truly terrifying super boss. He's one of the toughest bosses in the entire game thanks to his advanced gadgets and hard-to-dodge killer attacks. Hell house is literally an evil house that flies around, launches chair missiles, and leaves us all extremely confused. The best I can do is offer a bunch of tips to help you beat this bed-and-breakfast from hell.
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- Chapter 8
- Weakness: Punisher Mode Meter
Reno is a relentless opponent, and the only way to slow him down is with Cloud's Punisher Mode. Switch to this mode and hold to launch a counterattack. This will put him under pressure, giving you time to launch strong attacks. It is very difficult to shift him, but you can put him under pressure with counter attacks in Punisher mode or by protecting his melee attacks.
Play slowly and safely. Reno moves incredibly fast, so it's hard to prepare for his attacks in Punisher mode. If he's using EMP mines or lightning abilities, quickly get away from him. Don't even use magic against him - it doesn't work. But, you can save your deputy to destroy the EMP mines he summons. These annoying mines will stun her with electricity if you don't get out of their range quickly.

Before entering this boss fight, equip Aero Materia to make the fight easier. The coarse is all about physical damage, and it has a variety of close range attacks that can bind you - it will also use a sleep spell, so stock up on scent salts or equip Esuna's materia.
He only has minor resistance to Fire, so Fira will work as well. Summon an Arcane Ward with Aerith, and unleash Wind / Fire magic to quickly build his Stagger Meter. Otherwise, you will just have to get rid of it with it. It is difficult to counter in Punisher mode, so it is safer to outsmart it and use ranged magic attacks.

Hell House
- Chapter 9
- Weakness: Aero, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder
Hell House is the toughest boss yet. Before fighting him, boost your defense and bring a lot of Ether / Phoenix Down. Equip Cloud with Raise or Heal, and make sure Aerith has Arcane Ward and Refocus.
The boss will go through the four elements with different barriers. To build its offset counter, use the opposite element. This helps set up an Arcane Ward and then unleash your spells - I recommend bringing at least two or three elemental spells.
When casting, don't bother to use the upgraded versions of each spell. Instead, use the weaker version. They are the fastest! The boss swaps barriers and quickly switches to God mode, making him immune to attacks; your best bet is to hit it while it unleashes attacks or in the middle of an attack.
Standing on an Arcane Ward while casting a basic elemental spell will cast two. For this fight, you have to keep moving. Most of his attacks can be dodged just by continuing to run. Don't bother to dodge! Just keep running to avoid the Chair missiles and Mr. Cuddles' bombs.

Keep your health high and only attack weapons when the house of the underworld goes into god mode. The barrier is too hard, so don't bother trying to break through it. Wait for the barrier to fall, then use elemental magic - the Hell House is much more vulnerable to Stagger directly after dropping the God Mode shield.
It's a hectic fight, and in the second form, he gains a load of new powers. Use the Refocus Limit early break with Aerith to make your life easier - this adds a third ADP bar, so you can use Pray and keep attacking. The only way to significantly damage the boss is to use constant weakness magic attacks. It takes about 5-6 standard magic spells to put the boss in a weakened state. Save the cloud limits for this!
He has two extremely annoying attacks. Bring Barrier Materia with Aerith if you have space, and use it when the boss uses Heavensward - he flies in circles, then performs a kamikaze charge which is impossible to dodge. The one he targets must keep, otherwise he will die instantly. The barrier will help you survive.