Relic weapons in Save the Queen are "enhanced" by collecting mementos from the dying.
If you were there for the original Realm Reborn Atma grind relic weapon in Final Fantasy 14, then I've got some news for you! We are starting over. . . a little. Memories of the dying are acquired by completing FATES both on the South Bozjan Front and in the Heavensward areas. I know, strange to see Heavensward included in this quest chain, but it is.
To get started, you will first need a Relic Weapon from the first stage of the quest chain. Once you have this in hand and you've unlocked Bozjan's southern front, talk to Garolt to start the quest “A Sober Proposal”. Zlatan and Garolt will discuss how to further strengthen your Relic, and naturally you will be asked to acquire the necessary Memory Crystals. Don't forget to talk to Zlatan again after completing "A Sober Proposal" to get the ball rolling. Like previous Relics, you will only be able to work on one at a time, but after selecting the job you want to upgrade the Relic to, you are free to play in any class you want, as long as you grind those FATES.
You will need 20 memories of 3 different types for a total of 60 memories. It doesn't have an exceptional drop rate, so be patient if you don't have one. Memories can be found in the South Bozjan Front by completing Objectives, and from Special FATES in the Western Coerthas, Dravanian Forlands and Hinterlands, Sea of Clouds, Bubbling Mists, or Azys La. D 'after what I have seen so far it does not work. It doesn't matter which zones you choose, as long as you are using 20 of the 3 different memory variants. So, yes, it is Atma again. Joy. I will update this guide with any additional details as they are revealed.