As every year, EA Sports has launched the new chapter of the most followed football saga in the videogame world, FIFA 20. Again this time we are faced with an evolution of the previous chapter rather than a real revolution but, cnonetheless, there are numerous news, new ways e functionality unpublished to try and discover, even if - I must admit - there is no shortage bugs, e defects da to correct.
But no more chatter, and let's see this new FIFA 20 in detail!
Premise: late review for big bugs, fortunately solved
Some of you may be wondering “But it came out on September 24th, because the review comes out just now? “, A more than legitimate question.
The reason is soon to be said. This year EA Canada e EA Romania (the two software houses that developed the game) have unfortunately released a game that really was on day-one too, too immature.
Le pink, eg, DON'T they were up to date.
Only last Friday (October 4th) arrived a updating that has solved the problem, by updating the squads to the last market day. For example, it was finally brought into the game Ribery, who, having moved from free agent to Fiorentina, it was not just present in game until October 4th.
For many it may seem like a secondary aspect, but having the updated roses It is one of reasons leading a player to buy il new FIFA.
Also, often in various game modes the starting team and stocks choices made by the player modified randomly from the game itself, rendering the choices of irrelevant player, and playing games rather frustrating.
Finally, sometimes the control of the players by the 'user came less, making the game a match between two AI and requiring a reboot.
It must be said that, fortunately, they are arrived of updates in the last days they have solved all problems (or almost).
Objectively, however, these problems have conditioned mine judgment e procrastinated la date area of review, which cannot ignore the marketing of a product not completely soon.
The gameplay: modified ball physics, new free kicks and penalties
From the point of view of game physics, graphic engine remained the tried and tested Frostbite 3, introduced with FIFA 19.
Il realism in the movements of the players is improved compared to FIFA 19. For example, le preparations of porter on low shots are remarkably more realistic.
These improvements DON'T make it more perfect.
For example, in some situations, such as the postponements of the ball in defense, there is a certain discrepancy between movement of the player and the trajectory of the balloon.
The physics of the ball was remarkably improved. Now, in fact, rebounds and contrasts do not cause abnormal rebounds of the ball, making the game experience more fluid e realistic.
There was also some good news regarding the kicks placed.
As early as FIFA 17, on late penalties e corner kiks had appeared the cursor with which to choose the trajectory and the desired "target".
On FIFA 20 this system a "Pointer" was implemented also on free kicks e penalties.
This system is certainly new and needs a good "acclimatization" period, so much so that, after a couple of weeks of play, I still haven't managed to master it as it should be.
Playing FIFA 20: always enjoyable and fun, both for newbies and for the more experienced
Speaking of game mechanics, there have been some differences appreciable.
I cross and long casts are more difficult to be implemented and not "Remote controls", making more complicated to score with the crossers from the flanks (unless, of course, you play with Liverpool or with other Top Clubs, things are really remote controlled there…).
Il Frostbite is a guarantee of lots of matches funny and often very realistic e simulative.
Some critical issues, like the marking of the shorter defenders against the taller forwards, were resolved.
Now every fundamental is average more difficult.
Being able to ring a nice series of passages to get rid of the spaces in the center is more complicated, and a good dose of study of the opponent to be able to bring home the victory.
The system defense it is the same present in FIFA 19.
It is no longer enough, as in older FIFAs (and in PES) to keep held down the del key pressing.
In fact, we must move il defender e provide le moves of the opponent for counter it or for intercept a lift.
On the one hand, this system needs a period di apprenticeship (and a large number of goals conceded), but once mastered it's a lot fulfilling e funny.
FIFA 20 licenses: Goodbye Juve, welcome to Liga I!
On the chapter licenses you will have heard of all colors.
As is well known, in fact, the Juventus signed a contract with Konami is preferably used for exclusive presence of the bianconeri on the new chapter of PES discipline, eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2020.
On FIFA 20, in fact, there is the "Piedmont Football“, Version fictitious of the Italian team.
Juve is also theonly among the teams of the European championships present in an official capacity on the game to be without license. The same can be said for Boca Juniors, e River Plate, two of the most glorious Argentine teams.
I soccer players, of course, they are those of the gods bianconeri with name e face real (no new “Andrei Murgu”, so to speak), but for the fans of the Old Lady it can be a defect not just.
Opening our gaze to other championships, however, we see the presence in robe official of all major leagues Europeans.
The Romanian league, la League I, To first presence of his story about a football video game. Good news for those who want to relive in Career Mode i glories area of Steaua Bucharest (today FCSB), winner of the Champions League in 1985-86.
By the way, the exclusive presence of Champions League ed Europa League in robe official.
Thus, it is possible to dream of carrying the own team on roof Europe, or relive the latest ones final with friends in Kick-Off mode, which has remained virtually unchanged.
Volta Football: the return of “street football”, in a version… Journey
One of the biggest innovations of this new FIFA 20 is, without a doubt, the return of street football.
Who of you remembers FIFA Street?
Released simultaneously with FIFA 06, allowed players to experience Street Football using the strongest real players, including Messi, Ronaldinho, Zidane and Ronaldo (Il Fenomeno…).
After 4 chapters, this successful series was abandoned to focus on classic FIFA only.
Fans of the spin-off, however, have been dreaming of a return for many years.
And this year, finally, street football is back on FIFA, albeit with a different name.
It is, in fact, the Volta Football the last one interpret di EA the Street Football.
This is set in various cities of the world, such as Rome (pictured), Buenos Aires and Tokyo, and is played in gyms, buildings o in the street, in a field also surrounded by walls.
You can play with o without rules, fouls, red cards or other, in 3 vs 3, 4 vs 4 and 5 vs 5, with or without a goalkeeper.
Also, you can use i wall side dish such as "companions di team", Using them to make passes or shots"shore".
In addition, they are recommended and much appreciated are the stunts, i "trick”Ei games di legs to get rid of opponents.
The last peculiarities del Volta Football is that it can be played in different ways.
You can play with the official teams, as shown in the photo above, from Kick-Off mode.
You can also play this mode with the just avatar, with which it is possible to progress in a story that Recalls very mode Travel, in-game story ended with FIFA 19.
With your avatar (completely customizable in the physical aspect and in the look) you can, in fact, participate in the Championship of World di Volta Football, and you can choose, as in the Journey, the answers during the dialogues, the choices and character to our alter ego.
Career mode: post-match interviews and the possibility of coaching after retirement
Let's move on to the mode Career.
This mode, one of the most popular in the history of the game, has not changed much in the last few years, subjected only to minor changes.
In FIFA 20, however, some changes which, although not upsetting the gaming experience, turn out to be pleasant and definitely appreciable.
In fact, the interviews toallenatore (or to player, in case you choose to pursue a career as a football player) before and after the games, as happened with Alex Hunter in the Journey.
Depending on the answer, the moral of the team or other players are influenced, for better or for worse, influencing also in performance that the team or individual player will be able to offer on the pitch.
It remains, of course, the possibility di handle il market, the purchase and sale of footballers and also the players to be recruited in the nursery, to train and improve constantly.
The lack of the possibility of inserting a ransom for a borrowed player, a feature abandoned a couple of years ago without reintroduction, is out of the question.
Another novelty is the one that characterizes the Career da soccer player.
Once you get to the end career, in fact, it will be possible decide se continue still playing or withdraw.
On the occasion of the retreat, however, it will be possible decide di to pursue la career di trainer, merging the two types of Career modes.
After retirement, in fact, we can simply continue with a classic Career Mode with Cristiano Ronaldo o Messi like coaches.
This can also lead to fun curtains, For example, Messi coach of the Real Madrid o The Rossi coach of the Lazio ...
FUT and Online: the most popular mode is reconfirmed, and the online game becomes more stable
Of course, you can't talk about FIFA 20 without naming FUT, or, FIFA Ultimate Team, The mode most loved by gamers.
Here too, the novelty not are many, but it was mainly aimed at improve la stability of the game online and, always a bit problematic on EA servers.
First of all, the Targets, that is, more or less complex expiration challenges to be obtained during the game. The achievement of these Goals gives access to rewards causal in cash or in "envelopes", so as to allow players to improve quickly his own team.
In this way, also, EA it helps also players less hardened of this mode to use it.
Until'year scorso in fact, to have a strong team it was necessary passare many ore a play and "sbustare"Players.
Also available from this year Friendlies FUT. In this sub-mode, you will be able to play against FUT teams of your own friends in some classic friendlies, either online and and offline, or using the same game modes found in the Kick-Off menu.
As for the classic matches and competitions Online, there are no major differences.
Indeed, this mode has almost remained unchanged compared to FIFA 19.
What has been done, however, is improve very la stability of the games and the server, to avoid repeating those crash quite frequent in the past chapters.
The flaws of FIFA 20: short bench and outdated graphics
Obviously, this FIFA 20 is not perfect, he too has his own defects.
In addition to the aforementioned presence of unsolved bugs at the launch of the game, a feature not yet resolved after years of criticism is the presence of a bench only 8 players.
For years, in fact, in the major European leagues the benches have been made up of 12 players.
This, for a casual user, will not be an insurmountable problem in mode Career e Online instead this is a very big overdrive.
Un bugs, rather bothersome, furthermore, reported by the community it concerns the modality Career.
Le big of the championship (especially of the Premier League English), in fact, they seem deploy le stocks for all matches.
By doing so, of course, they turn out much more weak of their real value, and in some careers they even risk it relegation.
Furthermore, in the review I did not mention the graphics. In my opinion, in fact, the latter is still pleasant and playable, mostly during le games, but surely in EA they could do of meglio at the gates of the 2020.
The celebrations, the spectators, some graphics of the menus and some stadiums leave a to desire.
That they are "saving uplaugh in view of her PlayStation 5?
FIFA 20 review: buy it or not?
Ultimately, EA Sports' latest effort is the result of a continuation evolution, it's a confirmation of the good work made in the last FIFA.
Sure, he has his own defects, and in the last period Konami has made great strides with his PES discipline.
Rimane, but, one simulation di football really well done, un must-have for the passionate of this wonderful sport.
- More and more faithful and realistic simulation
- Volta Football fun and well done
- Well thought out and entertaining modes
- Very immature release and many bugs
- Bench for 8 players only
- Graphics at times not up to par