Blood is about to spill in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord due to somebody's mistake, and an NPC has tasked you to make sure there is nothing wrong. You can receive this quest from an NPC in several cities, and it's your job to protect someone. But getting there is a bit tricky.
Start the quest
When you accept the quest, you need to talk to the NPC in the town where you did the quest. You can find them quickly by walking around town and clicking the Left-Alt button. This informs you of all the notable locations and NPCs in the city. Make sure to check your quest log to see which NPC you need to talk to in town. Locate them and talk to them when you do. They won't have a blue exclamation mark next to their name or above their head, so double-check the name in your quest log.
Progress in the quest
When you talk to them, let them know that you know all about the situation and how you will escort them to talk to the angry part of the Family Feud quest to resolve this issue peacefully. They will refuse, but if you insist that they are not cowards and how you cannot protect them forever, they will agree with you and go to town. When they join your party, check the quest log to see which new city you need to visit for the next quest step. In the third step of the quest, you'll see which new NPC you need to talk to, and you can click on their name to see which nearby town you can find them in. Usually it's a small village nearby, so you won't have to travel too far.
When you arrive in the new town, you should be able to find the NPC you need to speak with in the top right tab. They should have a blue exclamation mark next to their name. Instead of heading to town, you can choose to click on their icon and immediately transport yourself and the character you need to protect right in front of them. Now to complete this quest go through the dialogue prompts and then hold when you have multiple dialogue options.
Dialog options
When you have multiple dialogue options, you want to choose "You are breaking the law" when you see it. This begins the process of trying to persuade the angry party not to attack your protected NPC. To succeed in this, your character must have charm. If they don't, it can end badly for everyone involved.
Now, while you are trying to persuade him, you want to choose the third dialogue option and then the first. You want to do it in that order, then you will be able to successfully convince the angry NPC not to attack or hurt anyone. You should be ready to continue and you will have completed the quest.
Family feud bug
However, there is a bug with this quest where if you fail to persuade the individual who wants to harm your protected NPC, a fight ensues. If you talk to the attacking NPC, it stops everyone from attacking and prevents the quest from moving forward. You won't be able to stop the quest, and it will be blocked until it ends in days in your quest log. As of this writing, there is no way to continue the quest if it gets stuck. Alternatively, if you fail and they kill the NPC you need to protect, the quest also fails.