Ninjala relies on melee combat, abilities, and gum. Abilities are weapon based. Different weapons offer different abilities. They also change player stats: change speed, increase damage, decrease damage, or increase range. Each weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses, allowing players to choose what suits their personal playstyle.
Weapons change your character's health and speed stats, granting you better health or faster attacks. There are three main types of weapons: katanas, hammers, and yo-yos. Katanas tend to be balanced blades, while hammers are slow but with a lot of health and high damage. Yo-yos, on the other hand, are fast with lower health. These weapons are bonded with a type of gum that helps them level up and craft bigger and stronger weapons during battle.
Weapon attributes
Each weapon has a Gum Shoot, Gum Ninjutsu ability, a special, and two other abilities. These different abilities are chosen from the same pool, so a hammer can have the same gum shooting skill as a katana, but with other attributes. It's a good mix and match put together to let players decide what they prefer. Gum Shoots and Gum Ninjutsu skills are not limited to one weapon type. Special Abilities, Abilities, and Large Weapons are limited to different types of weapons.
To see these abilities on different weapons in-game, press "+" while a weapon is selected.
Gum Shoot
Gum Shoot's abilities are aptly named. They shoot gum at your opponents. Everyone does something vaguely different; immobilize damage to reveal it.
- Gum Launcher: Dash at your opponent and explode.
- Gum Kunai: several kunai at home on your opponent.
- Gum Grenade: floats and can explode early by detonating a bubble.
- Gum Net: Flies straight and places a net where it lands.
- Gum Balloon: Place a balloon around you that explodes on touch.
- Gum Seeker: Depletes S energy to reveal the location of nearby enemies.
Gum Ninjutsu
Think of Gum Ninjutsu as the ultimate ability mechanic Overwatch. These load slower than your special, so you'll want to time them better. They do more damage than other abilities.
- Ninja Tornado: Spin fast and rush at your enemy like a tornado.
- Piercing Mixer: Throw a beam of gum that penetrates the ground.
- Punishing Blade: Draw a gum blade that shoots the gum when you attack.
- Dragon Lord: Shoot a gum dragon that inhabits your enemy.
- Tenchi Muyo: Grab your enemy, spin him around and slam him into the ground.
- Fujiyama Rocket: Launch a powerful rubber rocket that explodes on contact.
Specials are your standard abilities while on a cooldown. They can be used frequently in combat, often providing mobility changes or benefits.
- Charge Slash: Charge your opponent with a quick attack.
- Here and there: Dive underground and attack when you come out.
- Power Buster: Perform a weapon shattering attack in Super Armor mode.
- Echoing Scream: Unleash a sound wave attack that freezes enemies.
- Yo-yo Leap: Warp to the position of a thrown yo-yo and attack.
- Beyond the Gum: Forcibly transform enemies you succeed.
Although it's in the same abilities section of the game, an ability is when the weapon is powered up.
- Chakra: Defeating an enemy completely resets the Special Cooldown.
- Miracle Charge: Recover health every time you use Gum Ninjutsu.
- Iron Body: Defeat an enemy with IPPON attack to get super armor for a while.
- Feedback: Normal and wide attacks reset the special cooldown.
- Star Tail: Warp attacks replenish your Gum Shoot cooldown.
- Relaxation Time: The special cooldown is reset after not receiving attacks for a certain time.
Great weapon capacities
Big Weapon's abilities only activate when you have transformed your weapon into a large weapon. At this point, they get stronger and add extra capacity to your arsenal.
- Kamikaze: Advance faster when defeating an enemy with a special.
- Sneak Attack: Successful promotions reset the special cooldown.
- Hyper Boost: Move faster for a while after crafting a large weapon.
- Up Tempo: Move faster when health is reduced below a certain amount.
- Inner Loop: KO an enemy with a chain attack to regain life.
- Beyond Fever: Specials deal bonus damage to enemies transformed into gum.
Katanas might as well be rubber bats. They look at each other, move and act like them in the heat of battle. These weapons offer players moderate health, decent speed, and a range of quick and dashing abilities. All have the same health and the same speed. Health is comfortable at 300 while speed is intimidating at 100.
IPPON Katana

- Health: 300
- Speed: 100
- Gum Shoot: Gum Launcher
- Gum Ninjutsu: Ninja Tornado
- Special: Charge Slash
- Abilities: Chakra, Kamikaze
The IPPON Katana is the default weapon. Players start with this one equipped and will likely play their first practice session with it. This weapon has good mobility associated with it, as does the scroll blade below. With Charging Slash, you can quickly reduce the distance between you and your enemies, or use it to escape.
Scroll Blade

- Health: 300
- Speed: 100
- Eraser Shot: Gum Kunai
- Gum Ninjutsu: Piercing Mixer
- Special: Charge Slash
- Abilities: Chakra, Kamikaze
The scroll blade is similar to the IPPON Katana. Both have great mobility and good damage. The Scroll Blade trades the Gum Launcher for the Gum Kunai instead. Both are homing weapons that will follow your enemy. The Piercing Mixer ability will also strike enemies hidden underground, giving you a chance to counter some of the stealthiest enemies.
Drill Beast

- Health: 300
- Speed: 100
- Gum Shoot: Gum Grenade
- Gum Ninjutsu: Punishing Blade
- Special: here and there
- Abilities: Miracle Charge, Stealth Attack
Drill Beast trades mobility for stealthy, relentless attacks. The Drill Beast and its sibling, the Corn Bat, are designed for players who enjoy being in the thick of battle and taking damage as a result. The Miracle Charge ability heals you with each special used. And since your special takes you underground, you'll want to use it a lot.
Corn bat

- Health: 300
- Speed: 100
- Gum Shoot: Gum Launcher
- Gum Ninjutsu: Dragon Lord
- Special: here and there
- Abilities: Miracle Charge, Stealth Attack
The Corn Bat is the same-y cousin of the Drill Beast. He exchanges this diseased forest for corn kernels. Appearance side, this one plays a little more range than its cousin. The Dragon Lord ability has a good range and the caster will target opponents.
The tank players rejoice. This is your category. Hammers have better health, offset by a drastic reduction in speed. The attack is slow and heavy. If you are used to yo-yo or katana lessons, you will feel this reduction. They're not mobile, so don't expect to escape the heat of battle so easily. You will have to fight to get out instead of running for cover.
SK8 hammer

- Health: 330
- Speed: 95
- Gum Shoot: Gum Net
- Gum Ninjutsu: Tenchi Muyo
- Special: Power Buster
- Abilities: Iron Body, Hyper Boost
The SK8 Hammer and Sushi Ax are the tanks if you like to survive damage and spread it out in response. It offers additional armor, further reducing incoming damage for already higher health. Gum Net slows down captured enemies and allows you to catch up.
Sushi ax

- Health: 330
- Speed: 95
- Gum Shoot: Gum Grenade
- Gum Ninjutsu: Ninja Tornado
- Special: Power Buster
- Abilities: Iron Body, Hyper Boost
The sushi ax is a cute weapon that tries to be what the SK8 hammer is. Although he manages to add armor to an already high health pool, he fails to trap enemies in a net. Your Ninja Tornado needs to be above opponents and is short lived. You want to make sure you're close if you let go. Your Grenade does not attack opponents. You'll feel the low mobility of this version, but it can be worth it if you can time the attacks well. The enemy must come to you someday.
Iron noise

- Health: 360
- Speed: 90
- Eraser Shot: Gum Kunai
- Gum Ninjutsu: Fujiyama Rocket
- Special: echo cry
- Capabilities: Feedback, Up See
Iron Noise and Drum Beat have the highest health of all weapons. They also sacrifice speed to a greater extent. Iron Noise tries to balance that with the Fujiyama Rocket and Up Tempo abilities, making it a lethal weapon in the right hands.
Drum Beat

- Health: 360
- Speed: 90
- Gum Shoot: Gum Launcher
- Gum Ninjutsu: Dragon Lord
- Special: echo cry
- Capacities: Feedback, Up Temp
Drum Beat does what Iron Noise does, but adds an extra track. Gum Launcher follows enemies while Dragon Lord is a powerful ranged attack that doesn't require you to be on top of your enemy. With Up Tempo and Feedback, this is a dangerous combination if players don't care about the speed reduction.
Yo-yos are the antithesis of hammers. They are fast with little health but very high mobility. Yo-yos offer more vertical mobility than katanas. Yo-yo players are the ones that knock you down from the sky while you wonder how they got to that height.
Ninja Yo-yo

- Health: 255
- Speed: 104
- Gum Shoot: Gum Balloon
- Gum Ninjutsu: Piercing Mixer
- Spécial: Yo-yo Leap
- Abilities: Star Tail, Inside Loop
The Ninja Yo-yo and Shinobi Spinner give the player the best vertical mobility. With Yo-yo Leap, players can jump anywhere they throw their weapon. The Ninja Yo-yo helps counter sneaky potential enemies with Piercing Mixer. It seems a little pointless when you can just escape in the sky.
Shinobi Spinner

- Health: 255
- Speed: 104
- Gum Shoot: Gum Net
- Gum Ninjutsu: Ninja Tornado
- Spécial: Yo-yo Leap
- Abilities: Star Tail, Inside Loop
Shinobi Spinner has the best name for weapons, although the fidget spinner pattern might put some players off. The Shinobi Spinner offers closer combat than the Ninja Yo-yo with the Ninja Tornado ability. With the Gum Net skill, players can trap enemies and pounce on them, making maximum use of their vertical mobility.
Mellow a la Mode

- Health: 255
- Speed: 104
- Gum Shoot: Gum Searcher
- Gum Ninjutsu: Tenchi Muyo
- Special: Beyond the gum
- Abilities: Time to Relax, Beyond the Fever
Mellow a la Mode has a lovely donut theme and the best anti-stealth skill set. He forces players to transform, grabs nearby opponents and spins them before doing damage, and is able to find them by expending S energy.
Trick Ball

- Health: 255
- Speed: 104
- Gum Shoot: Gum Balloon
- Gum Ninjutsu: Fujiyama Rocket
- Special: Beyond the gum
- Abilities: Time to Relax, Beyond the Fever
Trick Ball is the remote counterpart of Mellow a la mode. With his protective gum balloon and Fujiyama rocket, he doesn't need to get close to enemies. The extra distance gives Time to Relax a chance to take effect.
There are many weapons to choose from. If it was all about skins, it wouldn't be a difficult choice. Each weapon opens up new possibilities for playstyles. Try them all to find your favorite.