There are three Lifepaths in Cyberpunk 2077 that will impact your gameplay. You choose them at the start of the campaign and they can affect your options and dialogue as different story missions unfold.
Street Kids grew up on the rough streets of Night City, the game's main location. They are intimately aware of the gangs, slang, and violence that pervade the streets. They belong to the shabby clubs and slums in which so many Night City dwellers spend their time. They don't turn heads when they enter some of the city's most infamous places.
Street children live on the streets and are likely to die on the streets. The only thing that could distinguish them is what they are doing while they are there. The limited options mean that upward mobility only exists if you're going to make a name for yourself in the criminal gangs that rule Night City. They naturally flow into the underworld, where they are either exhausted and spat out, or they will find within themselves to become as wicked, vicious, and cunning as you need to survive and thrive there.
As you play through the game Street Kids will have advantages over Corpo and Nomad players when it comes to streets. You can have a special dialogue option when dealing with a gang, or have internal knowledge of how situations play out on the streets, give a boost to hunt down a target or the truth.
The Street Kid Lifepath starts with you already in town, poised to establish yourself as someone who can get the job done. You will have already earned the loyalty and respect of some people on the streets, but you will also have made enemies, but it is impossible to live your Street Kid life without making a few more.